Date at Scenic Nighttime Look Out Point!

Author Jordan Gray From 50 Powerful Date Ideas: Brag-Worthy, Cost Effective Dates From A Professional Dating Coach 7 years ago 10902

Imagine this — picking up your date and driving out to the most scenic nighttime look out point that you can find. You can certainly give her a big surprise! Moreover, if you do the preparation work carefully, you can impress her more deeply!


To make this date more funny and bring your emotional intimacy to a higher level. You’d better secretly stow away in the back seat a thermos filled with hot chocolate, a battery-operated music player, and blankets.

The Built-In Benefits

This date is romantic, intimate, unique, and one of my personal favourites. As long as you have some beautiful look out, this date is an absolute winner. Whether you're looking out over the city, water or sky, it really doesn't matter. lt works equally well as a first date and as a five-hundredth date.


The only thing that has ever gone wrong with this date for me in the past was back when I was driving a 1984 Oldsmobile. I didn't account for the fact that playing the radio for hours while the engine was off was going to drain the battery. So after an amazing and romantic five hours of beautiful scenery, the car wouldn't start. Luckily, I was able to use my cell phone to call a friend to come pick us up. Moral of the story? Make sure you don't use your car battery when you attempt this date! Or at least have a cell phone on you (on silent mode) just in case.

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