Dating by Playing Disc Golf

Author Jordan Gray From 50 Powerful Date Ideas: Brag-Worthy, Cost Effective Dates From A Professional Dating Coach 7 years ago 16743

Playing disc golf is just like playing traditional golf. But instead of a ball or clubs, players always use a flying disc. This sport began to be formalized in the 1970s.It's an interesting activity which could be enjoyed by couples dating.

The Fine Print

Grab a pair of discs and head to a “frolfing” course, or build your own. Disc Golf is a fun, challenging, unique, and completely free date for you and your partner. If you have a frolfing course in your town, you might know that official frolf courses have 18 holes and are almost always 100% free. If you want to set up your own course, either head to a forest or public park that isn't too populated and designate the targets as you go. Certain examples of targets would be lampposts, trees, swing set poles, water fountains, etc.

The Built-In Benefits

This is one of the few dates in this book that can cost absolutely nothing. That doesn't mean that you can't combine it with another minidate from this book to step up your game (e.g., picnic in the park). Any date that gets your competitive blood flowing generally creates a fun and playful dynamic between you and your date. You can even mischievously try to derail your partner’ Disc Golf when she makes a throw your disc at hers mid-flight! Make sure to do this only once or twice, and with a smile on your face, so she knows you aren’t a jerk.


It's always good to pack a bag with any necessities (snacks, scorecard, pencil, umbrella, etc.) before you head out. Getting caught out in the rain while on the 9th hole of the game is anything but romantic (unless you kiss under said rain, then it's fully romantic). If she gets bored of the game halfway through, remain flexible and feel free to ditch it.

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