Dating by Seeing Sunrise on the Top of A Mountain

Author Juliana From 7 years ago 9934

There are varieties of kinds of dating activities. People usually just choose to have dinner together or going to the park or to the cinema for a dating. Some other interesting activities for couples to do may easily ignored. Do you remember how exciting you were when you could get up with the sunrise full of energy after a sound sleep of a whole night when you were just a kid. How long have it been since you climb a high mountain to see sunrise last time? Have you tried to schedule seeing sunrise on the top of a mountain as one of the interesting events in your relationship life?

The Fine Print

Seeing sunrise on the top of a mountain is not easy to be achieved if you were always busy or if you were a lazy person. However, it is worth doing with your loved one by asking for several days of holiday. You need to arrange it ahead in your schedule in a good weather condition. Prepare comfortable sports shoots and nice gym suits. Bring more thick clothes with you as the temperature on the top of a mountain will be several degrees lower than it at the foot of the mountain. Rememer to pack all what you need to bring with you in a good bag and make them as light as possible so that you both could arrive at the top of a mountain easily. Choose a hotel on the top of the mountain if there were any so that you can save more energy to appreciate the beautiful sunrise sceneries. In case there weren’t any hotels on the top of the mountain you are planning to go, you still can choose to climb the mountain at the early morning.

The Built-in Benefits

Thought it may be a little difficult and take you a half day, emotion between you and your loved one will certainly be boosted in the journey to the top of the mountain. And it will undoubtedly become an unforgettable experience in your memory in the future.


Remember the following rules for climbing a mountain to see sunrise safely:

1. Wear gym suits and sports shoes and do not wear any other little items such as earings, rings or jewelries.

2. Follow a safe road to step onto the top of the mountain rather than choose any dangerous roads. Safety is more important than your time.

3. Help each other as much as possible as this will boost your emotion and will guarantee more of your safety.

4. Take your mobile phones with you and rememer some contacts for rescue in emergencies in case.

5. Prepare necessary items in adance very carefully and keep a happy mood always.

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