Five Dates to Test Him

Author Gregg Michaelsen From To Date a Man, You must Understand a Man 7 years ago 13215

To see how a man is into you, you need to set several tests for him according to your own sense of propriety. Five dates to test him as below are given for you to take as reference: damsel in distress; jealousy test; friend test; daytime or morning date; “join my passion” date.

1) Damsel in distress

Let’s say this guy had made it into your koi pond. You have dated him a few times. One of the things on your non-negotiable list is finding a man who will be there for you when you need him. This is one thing you hated about your last lazy boyfriend.

Do this:

Tell him you need a ride somewhere because your roommate borrowed your car, tell him you have a leak under your sink, or come up with something fitting. Now, wait and see how he reacts. Does he step up to the plate or does your text go to Mars? A good man will naturally want to fix the situation, if he likes you. This is a pass-fail exercise. Excuses are a failing grade. Use your intuition, and be very careful if he fails two in a row.

Throw him out. Next.

2) The jealousy test

Pull out another fish. This time you want a man that doesn’t get jealous all the time.

Do this:

When you’re on a date, pretend to take a text from your ex. Tell him you can’t get rid of this guy and see how he reacts. He should want to help you fix the situation. Observe how he attemps to sovle your problem. Alternatively, go to a sports bar and try the same test. Wear something hot and men will staring at you, making comments. Your date should have a thick skin and accept this, if he has self-worth. He should be flattered to see other guys so attracted to you, but, if a guy get out of line, he should be there for your defense.

3) The family/friend test

Accidently run into your family or show up at his family’s house. Observe how he interacts with them. Ask your family later what they thought. If you can bump into his family, accidently of course, you can learn if he is a momma’s boy and how much, if at all, his family respects him. The same thing can be applied to your friends, or his. Much can be learned from these interactions. They will give you the green light forward or the red light to exit.

4) The daytime or morning date

No guy wants a daytime, morning or mid-week date. Why? There is no way to get into your pants! Yes, I said it and it’s the truth. Only if he is worthy of you will he follow through with this type of date. You can bet men are pushing to do a swan dive into your pants on a Friday or Saturday night, when the lights are dim and you’re drunk. Look for it and test him!

5) The “join my passion” date

This is a great date because it tests his willingness to go outside his comfort zone. It tests his confidence.

Asking him to go horseback riding with you is the bomb. You can remain very comfortable while he potentially squirms. If he agrees and follows through, wow! I might date him.

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