How To Build A More Exciting Lifestyle?

Author Jordan Alexo From I Am A Sexy Motherfucker-Learn the fine art of attracting women easily and naturally 7 years ago 12301

In modern life, more and more nice guys just spend most of their daily time playing video games or watching TV or they just sometimes only frequents nerd gatherings where women rarely go.If this is your case, don't feel ashamed because you make make change if you act out. Also, there are nice guys who may be quite outgoing and is always surrounded by women but those gus rarely get laid. Such a case occured may be greatly due to their lack of sexual agressiveness.

A nice guy without a life is really in a bad situation. To change it, he needs to build a more exciting and outgoing lifestyle and learn how to be more sexual with women. By following the suggested solutions as below for at least one month or two, you will certainly change your situation and improve your life quality.

1.Go out at night

Going out at night isn’t the only way to meet women. And perhaps not even the best one. However, it is still one way which you shouldn’t despise.

You can go to a nightclub or bar. you don't need to go out five or six times a week but at least, twice you should go.If your only option is to go out alone then here is some advice. Wait for the peak hour before entering into a nightclub. If you enter in the beginning of the night usually between midnight to one in the morning. Then the venue will probably be empty making you feel even more uncomfortable. So enter when it is already full. This way you will more easily blend in with the crowd.Just have fun! You should never go out with the sole purpose of meeting women. This typically creates a huge amount of social anxiety. Instead, grab a beer, or another drink, start dancing if you are in a nightclub, and try to relax.

2.Find new hobbies but no nerd activities

I advise you to search for at least one or two new hobbies. Here are a few suggestions:

Dance classes - One of the best ways to meet plenty of attractive women. It also makes you get more comfortable being physical with them. Any partner dance is good, such as: Ballroom, Latin, Salsa, Kizomba, or Tango.

Martial Arts - Usually, you won’t find many women frequenting these classes. And the few you do aren't exactly what I call attractive. However, learning self-defense like Krav Waga helps you build a shit load of confidence. Besides, most women love a man who is able to protect them.

Cooking workshops - These workshops commonly have a decent number of women. But nowadays cooking has become very popular among men. Actually, most chefs are men. So these classes sometimes may have more men than women.Anyway, learning to cook well is a great skill. And for some reason women seem to love a guy who is able to cook a delicious meal for them.

Besides, you always have the excuse to put her washing the dishes, which I hate doing.

Yoga classes -I love these classes for several different reasons. It helps your drastically improve your body posture and overall flexibility. Yoga classes are mostly frequented by women and it has been an easy way to meet a lot of them.

3.Subscribe to a gym

If you haven’t still then go ahead and subscribe to a gym. It is a great way for you to get in shape and look sexier. But also exercise increases your happiness and confidence levels.You'are suggested to join the most popular gym in your locality. Instead of those small mom and pop ones. This way you will be able to meet a lot more people.

Actually, from everything I mentioned so far this is probably one of the best ways to quickly expand your social life. You can go from not knowing anyone to knowing a lot of people just after 2 to 3 months from subscribing.

Of course for this to happen you need to loosen up a bit. Don't wait for others to start talking to you. Rather initiate yourself. What is important is for you to get the ball rolling and these openers do exactly that. Actually, it's far more genuine than trying to say something clever and funny.

Also pay attention to the moments of the day that you frequent your gym. You should go there when you are able to find the most amount of women. This increases your likelihood of meeting more women. Normally, this is between 6 to 8 pm after people left their job.

If you find yourself later in a similar situation then the solutionis to frequent more classes. The more you stick around women the more comfortable you feel around them.

4.Travel and visit more places

Travelling can make you relax! You don't need to travel to a foreign country or whatsoever. Sure, if you do then great! But the idea here is to go ahead and visit nearby cities, museums, art expositions, go to concerts, a theater etc.

It is sometimes incredible how some people are so damn clueless about the things that surround them. It is like they have no curiosity.Just to say go out and try new stuff. Don't be afraid to live life! Also don’t make excuses as a lot of people tend to do, that they don’t have money nor time. That is a very poor excuse! Because a ticket to a theater, or museum is typically cheap, same as visiting your city downtown.

With all the suggestions as above introduced, if you are too indoor or living a monotonous life way,it's high time for you to make action plans to establish an exciting lifestyle by going out at night, finding and practicing new hobbies, subscribing to a gym and travelling some places arousing your curiosity. Only through action can you change your monotonous and boring life by replacing a more outgoing and fullfilled lifestyle.

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