To be honest, online dating can be a hit and miss. Because it is accessible to anyone and everyone, you never know what to expect. This can have its upsides and downsides but if you learn how to recognise and spot good men who are a match for you, your dating experience will change for the better.
What to look for in dating profiles - one major criteria to look for
The main thing you want to look for in an online dating profile is sincerity. Because sincerity can tell you a lot about a man's intentions for online dating. What does he say in his profile? Does he seem open and honest about why he's joined a dating site? Does he indicate what he's looking for? Is his profile complete? A man who puts effort into creating his profile is likely to be looking for more than just 'a little fun’.
Have a look at his images. What do they tell you about his lifestyle? If everyone image is of him and his guy friends drinking on a weekend, you may want to think whether you both will share similar interests.
How to know if you'll get along + how to find out before you go on a first date
A common frustration my 1:1 clients have is that they find a guy online they get on very well with over emails and text only to find they have zero chemistry when they finally meet up in person. This can be disappointing when you've already spent some time getting to know another person online. I always recommend having a phone conversation or a Skype call before you go on a first date. Text and emails don't translate as well as an actual conversation.
One of the good things about Skype is that provided you haven't given your potential date too much information, Skype detail are scant and you can block the member if you find them unsuitable (safety first!).