Transnational marriage is becoming a trend more and more popular. Millions of people are dating interracially and more and more asian girls are dating white men and even matched with them. Quite a part of those asian girls are highly educated. Once there was a friend going out with a cute asian girl. Soon he started to hear rumors that this girl was just going after him for a green card and his money. This is a universal doubt every white man may have when he encounters an pretty asian women. The answer is not absolutely.
While men are mostly from a capitalistic country. Since while women may desire to marry wealthy white men for their money, it’s also acceptable that some small part of asian girls may also has this desire. Actually in reality, most asian girls are not after a greed card or white men’s money. If they are really so earnest for those materialistic things, you would see double or tripple the amount of asian girls seeking or chasing behind white men, which might make you irritating.
Love is what we human beings need most and only with love a happy family can be built and survice. Love to a family is just like water to a big tree. Love to a patient is like milk to a baby. Love of a woman to a man is like a pair of delicate forks and spoons to a delicious dish. Evertyhing can be only perfectly performed with love.
When aisan girls and western guys fall in love, then citizenships, visas and cultural differences ranked far behind. Moreover, more and more western men are living in Asian with their Asian wives whom they initially met in the U.K., in Canada or other countries. If those asian girls are for a green card or money, why do more and more asian girls bring their western guys to their motherlands?