Relationships Are A Compromise but Don’t Compromise on the Basics

Author Gregg Michaelsen From To Date a Man, You must Understand a Man 7 years ago 11199

Relationships are a compromise, but don't compromise on the basics. Compromise on movie choices, politics, tidiness and the fact that one partner may be an extrovert while the other is an introvert. These are fun compromises which help us grow and love.

As we’ve previously discussed, everyone has baggage, but let’s give you a fighting chance to survive the relationship. You don’t need to choose this type of man anymore because you have followed my advice and you have become a woman of value. Because of this, quality men are now attracted to you. Now, you have an abundance of men who don’t carry unnecessary baggage like what is described below to choose from.

What is too much to handle?You need to check: Does he have a personal hygiene? Is he conceited and selfish. You need to raise your standards if the answer is yes. Any one of the issues above can lead to disaster. Some may seem harmless—a total momma’s boy, for example. I might say the same if I hadn't witnessed the carnage of marriages falling apart because a man chose Mom every time over his wife!

You might think, what’s a little porn? Porn has become a major addiction today and is rarely addressed. Porn is such an easy escape and many men have replaced real sex and intimacy for virtual sex and intimacy. Beware! What does Miss Intuition say? She says dump his ass!

Relationships are a compromise, but don’t compromise on the basics. Compromise on movie choices, politics, tidiness and the fact that one partner may be an extrovert while the other is an introvert. These are fun compromises which help us grow and love. Understand this difference and save yourself from the emotional, and maybe physical, torture guaranteed to come your way from a man with issues on the list above. You will waste precious time and get a chunk of your self-esteem taken away.

Raise your standards!

Every time you meet a new man, have this list ready to go! If you are asking the right questions and taking him on revealing dates, you should know in two dates what type of guy you are dealing with. Remember, you have choices.

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