Setting Your Expectations in Online Dating

Author Andrew M. Parsons From Online Dating Tips for Beginners: Valuable Dating Advice to Choose the Right Online Dating Websites to Find Love Online 8 years ago 9953

If you are unrealistic and expect to find a perfect date just by completing your online profile, you are only setting your-self for failure. You have to make peace with the fact that online dating can be just as disappointing as real life dating. It's a well-known fact that most people lie on their profiles, or at least exaggerate. So whenever you read other user’s profile information try not to be swayed by the image they are trying to create.

Start with yourself and your own online persona. You don*t always look like the photos you are posting. That's only the best of you. When you had a great hair day, your skin was glowing, and you just had your nails done. Other people are the same. They all post photos of themselves when they look great. So when you actually go out on a date, you might realize they are heavier around the belly, have less hair than in their photos, or they are shorter than what claimed to be. People mostly lie about their weight/height and income - and not just in cyberspace, in real life also.

If you should have at least separate conversations with a person before you decide to go out on an actual date. If the person seems genuine and open, you can do it sooner, but ry to exchange a little more information about each other efore you meet. That way you will learn as much as you can about the person behind the profile and avoid a dating disaster. Think of it this way: it’s better to stay in your safe zone, chat with someone for a little longer than you may have wanted, and realize they are not the one. Otherwise, you risk going out with that person immediately, becoming wooed by their smile, dreamy eyes, movie star looks, big boobs, phony generosity or rehearsed speeches. Based on these superficial things, you take yourself off the single market only to realize you’ve made a huge mistake about a year later. Unless you are corresponding with a writer, writ-ten communication excludes the emotional factor. There is no body language, so you can be more objective. Sure, your heart can skip a beat after a flattering comment, but you are far less emotional in front of your laptop, than you are in front of a gorgeous blonde.

It'll take time and effort (and patience).

Everyone shares their success online dating stories, but not many will tell you how many hours they have spent in front of the computer to finally find their perfect match. You will spend days and days eliminating different profiles, pick someone and find out they are not actually who you thought they were. This should not be discouraging because most of the single people out there that have online dating profiles have experienced this in one form or another. You just need to be patient and wait for your lucky stars to align.

Dating websites have millions and millions of users, so the chances of finding love using their assistance are huge - you just need a little time and patience. Actually, the chances are greater to meet The One' through a dating website than meeting them in a bar. Meeting people in bars is mostly superficial and shallow. Sure you still can if you choose to, but your ability to find the traits you are seeking in a person are very remote - they will usually mostly be based on someone's physical appearance.

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