I'm a firm believer that you can find love at any age. I'm not just talking about a mediocre kind of love - I'm talking about the real deal. It just takes a few tweaks in the mindset, an understanding of modem dating and how men think. Here are top tips I’ve put together to help you over the age of 40 to get from single to loved up a little faster.
1. Dont rely just on online dating
It's easy to find new matches from your pjs in your living room but don't forget to go out and meet people in real life.
2.Say yes
If you don't say yes to opportunities, you'll never know what you'll miss out on.When I was single. I made a solid effort to say yes to things that took me out of my comfort zone. Whether it was acting classes or dancing. I said yes... even if I didn't have a wingman/wing women I said yes fearlessly and had a good time doing it.
3.Catfishing isn't just an activity
Not all men have good intentions when it comes to online dating. There have been many cases where people engage in cat-fishing. The act of making up fake profiles to deceive another person.
4.Your internal factors affect your external factors
How many times have you blamed your relationship status on external factors i.e. all the good men are taken, I only meet commitment phobes.. .etc? When it comes to love, success has everything to do with mindset. Your thoughts create your reality.
5.Don’t overthink it
So many of us go into dates with so many thoughts running through our minds i.e. will he like me? what if I say something really stupid? what if he doesn't want to date someone with kids...All these thoughts get in the way of creating a genuine connection with someone - the kind of connection that builds attraction and love.
6.When in doubt go with your gut
Women have receptive instincts and often ignore them in favor of thinking better of people. If something doesn't feel right, don't do it. It’s that simple. A good man will understand if you don't feel comfortable doing something.
7.Know you deserve the kind of love you want
Many of us get in our own way when it comes to finding love. We think it may not exist for us, that we’re not worthy enough to have the kind of love our friends have or that dating is just too hard. Truth is there are many people over the age of 40 who have found online love and it’s there for you too.