Whale Watching for Dating

Author Jordan Gray From 50 Powerful Date Ideas: Brag-Worthy, Cost Effective Dates From A Professional Dating Coach 7 years ago 11756

If you live near the ocean, go on a whale-watching cruise. When you see a whale, make sure you say something like, 'Wow, Shamu has really let himself go.'The imapact a real whale you saw will be huge and your life will never be quite the same again.Whale watching has now become a exponentially great trip more than 13 million people like. Consider whale watching as a dating, how interesting it would be for both you and your significant other to see what is it about these larger-than-life animals that makes them so special!

The Built-In Benefits

The serenity of the ocean, the breathtaking views, and the anticipation of seeing one of the world's largest creatures all make for an exciting and inexpensive date. If there is a decent amount of sea-breeze you can even wrap up in each other's arms for warmth. No matter what the weather conditions are, this date scores major bonus point in the physical and emotional intimacy departments because you get to fed like you are searching for buried treasure together.Moreover, you could see the striking and deeply moving levels of trust that many whales show toward our human beings.In the watching process, if you think of our human beings' hunting them without pity but with cruelty and explosive harpoons until they are on the verge of extinction, then deep empathy, nurturing and love from your and your significant other's inner heart may be aroused and you'll cherish your mutual relationship more than ever. Thus, your mutual intimacy shall be enhanced.


The potential hazards for this date are seasickness (pack anti-nausea medicine if you think you or your date will be prone to this), sea spray from the water (bring a jacket), and hunger (pack snacks). Even if you don't see any whales or sea life, you get a beautiful and relaxing day out on the water.

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