One of the difficulties of online dating is unlike offline game you know exactly how a girl is reacting to the things you are saying or the way you act. Unfortunately on online dating, you can't say how they are thinking or feeling reading your message. For example, when you are talking to girls in real life you might say "good girl” she might find it funny as it's not what you say it’s how you say it. As you know, words are only 7% of the communication but when she reads the same message “good girl” she might it creepy because she does not know you. You get the point. It’s important therefore to adapt as all humans are different what is funny to someone is not funny to other, cultures, religion, etc. One way to fix this is to read their message carefully, watch her vocabulary, the words she uses it is going to give you lots of clues.
Forgetting commitment and consistency principle- Like the one we discussed before commitment and consistency principle. A major mistake guys make they ask for compliance often too early before they have provided value and in some case guys pull the trigger too late you need to find a balance. First, give then ask. Don't just ask. It's understandable as us guys we have lots of testosterone, and we just want to see the end of the movie, with a happy ending, but you are smart not to make this mistake. Quick tips on this is just to think before you hit the send button on your message ask you self, Does this provide value, is it funny, how is this going to make her feel.
When was a time in written form of communication where the person misunderstood what you wanted to say because you perhaps didn't use the right word or context? What are you going to put in place for that not to happen in the future i.e. take few seconds to check your message makes sense before clickings send.