Your Beliefs Attract Who Comes into Your Life

Author Mark Manson From Models: Attract Women Through Honesty 7 years ago 10988

Lifestyle choices affects greatly in the demographic of women men would like to meet. For example, If you like to do yoga and if you go to do yoga,you'll meet women who like doing yoga. They'll likely be attracted to you and you'll likely be attracted to them. Actually how our beliefs naturally screen the women who come into our lives. The beliefs we mean refer to beliefs about women, sex, relationships and ourselves. Our beliefs are reflected in our behavior and behavior determines which (and how many) women are attracted to us.

To explain the idea as above more specifically, for example, if you believe all women are sluts and untrustworthy, then the only women who are going to be willing to tolerate your judgmental attitude are promiscuous women who are untrustworthy. Social psychology refers to this as the assortment effect and it's been demonstrated in many studies. Some men believe that women want and enjoy sex as much as men do while some don't believe that women actually enjoy or fantasize about sex. How would this belief affect your behavior and screen the women who are attracted to you? If you believe women won't or shouldn't enjoy sex, then the women who do enjoy sex will most likely not feel comfortable expressing their sexuality around you. And the women who do not enjoy sex will feel like you understand them.You'll be dating a bunch of women disconnected from their sexuality and uncomfortable having sex with you. However, if you believe that women do enjoy sex, then women who do enjoy sex will feel comfortable expressing their sexuality around you, while the women who are not comfortable expressing their sexuality will not be comfortable around you. Your such a belief will invite rejections and rejections are a form of screening for demographic and it's doing you a favor.You'll end up with a group of sexual and sensual women who enjoy being with you.

Actually, for men, the only thing all of the women you date have in common is you. This means that if all of the women you date end up lying and being manipulative, or if all of the women you date are selfish and treat you poorly, or if all of the women you date are meek and have no personality, then likely there is something in your beliefs and behavior that is naturally screening for those types of women. Whether you realize it or not, the results you get with women are always your fault.

Unfortunately, questioning and re-evaluating our beliefs about women and relationships is far harder and more uncomfortable than simply memorizing a pick up line or two.That's why most men don't ever bother doing it and that's why these men never experience long-term success.Becoming a non-needy man requires a high level of honesty with yourself, this is typically critical. Being honest with yourself involves observing and challenging your own beliefs. If you have lived your entire life believing women are un-trustworthy or that women who express their sexuality are immoral, then perhaps you need to re-consider what kind of women are going to attract into your life.And then perhaps you need to change your beliefs.

In fact, it's amazing about people, for both men and women: people tend to conform to what we expect of them.The same is true with women and dating. If you meet and date women believing fucked up stuff about them, you will only encourage that fucked up behavior. If you never trust the woman you’re with and are always jealous, then you’re just going to encourage her to do things behind your back. After all, she’s going to get yelled at by you anyway, so she decides to start withholding information. If you’re condescending and treat a woman like she’s a child who can’t make any decisions for herself, then she will act like a spoiled child and stop making any decisions for herself.

Learning something about demographics and analyzing our beliefs about relationships before we start to pursue one,enables us to avoid some problems before they even happen.Remember, ultimately, we attract who we are. Think about it, if you are a mean, vindictive,jealous or distrustful person, who do you think you'll end up being with?

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