9 Bad Habits More Horrible than Smoking to Avoid in Daily Life

Author juliana From www.myedate.com 7 years ago 9765

What you don’t know is that there are some bad habits more horrible than smoking.

1. Sitting for a whole day

Sitting too long in a office or in a vehicle will bring you various diseases. Even regular exercise will not offset the harm brought by sitting too long. A Canadian agency had released that breast cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer are all closely related with lacking of exercise. So You had better stand up and do some exercise in your working time for your own health.

2. Cooking with the kitchen ventilator off

An American magazine had revealed that when using gas stove, not enough ventilation will cause severe exceeding of CO, CO2 and HCHO. These 3 pollutants are very common in second-hand smoking. It is reasonable to turn on the kitchen ventilator whether you’re frying, steaming or boiling. Turning on the kitchen ventilator will help reduce the pollutants by 60% to 90%.

3. Eating too much meat

A paper published on Cell Metalbolism had explained that middle aged people who eat too much meat will suffer 5 times of risks of dying from cancer later in their life. Instead of eating too much meat, you can gain protein from some bean plants. People in their middle ages shall get enough protein as per their own weight.

4. Eating oil-fried food

Many researches have examined that oil-fried food contains some compounds such as acrolein and lots of PAH compound. They are both cancerogenic substances which also exist in cigarettes, easy to cause diseases in people’s respiratory system. Add some olive oil when cooking to reduce those bad compounds and try your best to too high temperature of the dishes.

5. Lacking of enough sleep for a long time

Lacking of enough sleep for a long time will cause some health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and others. Relevant researches have examined that death rate of people sleeping for less than 6 or 7 hours a day for a long term will just be the same as those who always smoke. In addition, lacking of deep sleep and an disorder of the day and night rhythm will help increase growth speed of the tumors. Therefore, it’s highly important to guarantee 7 or 8 hours of sleep everyday.

6. Not eating enough water

Even a light degree of dehydration will affect normal energy level of your body. Dehydration will affect viscosity of your blood and reduce the efficiency of transmitting oxygen and other nutrition to your heart and other various organs. Office workers who have to sit in front of the computer for a whole day shall eat enough water everyday.

7. Tired of doing exercise

Doing regular exercise can help strengthen your body and patience and it’s beneficial for the cardiovascular system to transmit enough oxygen and nutrition to various organ parts of your body. Some exercises such as singing, deep breathing and walking are good for getting rid of your tiredness. If you’re too tired, you can try to lie on bed peacefully and put a cushion under your feet to speed the blood ventilate to your head, so that you can keep a sober mind.

8. Playing phones in bed

Blue light of some mobile smart devices such as table PC or smart phones can limit secretion of melatonin of your body, thus to disrupt your natural physical rhythm and tiredness may occur. You had better turn off all mobile smart devices half an hour before your bedtime for your own health.

9. Drinking at bed time

Alcohol can reduce blood glucose and thus impede your central nervous system. Drinking alcohol at bed time can finally disrupt your sleep quality because in the metabolic process of alcohol, disorder will occur in the adrenal gland and then drinkers may easily wake up in the night. It’s better not to drink 3 or 4 hours before your bedtime.

Do you have any of these 9 bad habits as above? To have a healthy body you need to keep a healthy attitude towards your life first. It’s highly time to say goodbye to those bad habits in your life!

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