A Spirit of Discipline and Self-control Are Indispensable

Author juliana From www.myedate.com 7 years ago 8505

God’s Word teaches us that when we receive Christ as our Savior and Lord, He gives us His nature. He also gives us a spirit of discipline and self-control, which is vital in allowing us to choose the ways of our new nature. He also gives us a sound mind (see 2 Tim. 1:7), and that means we can think about things properly without being controlled by emotion. The way we once were passes away, and we have all the equipment we need for a brand-new way of behaving. God gives us the ability and offers to help us, but we are not puppets and God will not manipulate us. We must choose spirit over flesh and right over wrong. Our renewed spirits can now control our souls and bodies or, to say it another way, the inner person can control the outer person.

The Bible frequently uses the term “the flesh” when referring to a combination of the body,mind,emotions, and will. The word flesh is used synonymously with the word carnal. Both come from a word that means meat or animalistic. In other words, if the flesh is not controlled by the spirit, then it can behave quite like a wild animal. Have you ever done something ridiculous in a moment of intense emotion and then said later, “I just can’t believe that I behaved that way!”? We’ve all had times like that. I like dill pickles, but when I was pregnant I could not eat them because I had to stay on a low-sodium diet. I wanted pickles so badly that after I came home form having my baby, I sat down and ate a quart jar of dill pickles. Of course they made me sick and later I realized doing that was excessive and definitely not wise. The way I went after those pickes was not unlike the way an animal goes after a piece of meat.

Without God’s help we have difficulty doing things in moderation. We frequently eat too much, spend too much money, have too much entertainment, and talk too much. We are excessive in our actions because we behave emotionally. We feel like doing a thing and we do it, without any thought to the end result. After the thing is done and cannot be undone, we regret doing it.

We do not have to live in regret. God gives us His Spirit to enable us to make right and wise choices. He urges us, guides and leads us, but we still have to cast the deciding vote. If you have been casting the wrong vote, all you need to do is change your vote. Forming new habits will require making a decision to not do what you feel like doing unless it agrees with God’s will. You will have to say no to yourself quite often.

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