Are You A Solution-driven Person?

Author John Baskin From Law of Attraction - The Secret to Love, Happiness, & Abundance 7 years ago 13701

Life Aspect: Decision-making

Making decisions is an everyday occurrence. A decision can often mean the difference between success and failure. When chosen correctly, your decision can open your Life to opportunities and possibilities that can significantly improve various aspects of your life. Decisions are something that you cannot avoid. They confront and challenge you and occasionally puzzle you. Applying the Law of Attraction for decision making can help you ensure that you not only make the good but also the best decisions for any given situation.

Situation: Problem-focused

The modern world today provides endless options and choices. It gives you forks and crossroads in your journey to life. Decisions to be made are present in every major milestone in your life, from choosing a person to love, a course to take, an employer to apply for, a home to purchase, a health condition to address and countless more. Each of these decisions is accompanied by several choices. Often, people experience a phenomenon called decision fatigue. This happens when persons, after deliberating about one decision over another, become so tired of the decision making that they either end up making the wrong decisions or worse becoming paralyzed.

These mistakes or indecisions come from fear. When you let fear into your minds, you end up realizing the very things that you want to avoid. For example, the more worried you are that you will choose the wrong decision; the more wrong decisions are made. This happens because you are either so preoccupied with the worry that you have lose track of the facts or opinions that should have led to you to make the right decisions.

Another reason for attracting wrong decisions or not making decisions at all is focusing too much on the problems without progressing towards making solutions. When you are mind revolves around analyzing and over thinking one problem over another, you attract only problems and never solutions. You become so engrossed with the problems that you wind up being burdened by them for longer periods of time. Instead of overcoming problems, you end up collecting and keeping them for week, months and sometimes even years. Remember, indecisions can just be as dangerous as wrong decisions.


The Law of Attraction succeeds in resolving your problems. By applying methods that use the Law as its foundation, you can stop attracting problems and start discovering solutions. By opening your mind not on the negativities of problems but on the positivity of solutions, you can begin attracting and having solutions.

Begin attracting solutions by setting your mind state to the correct vibrations. Instead of a problematic or confused state, think and truly believe that you are inches or seconds away from discovering the solution. With this mindset, you are radiating energies that are in tune with solutions and soon you will find them.

Next when you have this state of positive anticipation, then the next key is to create intention. Approach every problem with right intention, instead of intending to analyze, pro-crastinate or over think a problem, approach it with a clear and definite intention, which is to solve it once and for all. Believe in your mind that whenever you tackle a problem, you are using a solution that will provide the best possible outcome. Do not have any sliver of doubt or resort to second guessing yourself. Fill your mind with confidence, knowing that you are either finding or already using the best solution instead of having the worst problem.

Open mindedness is best triggered by using statements of intentions. Boost the power of attracting solutions by verbalizing or writing down sentences that represent your intention to succeed at solving problems. Some examples can be “I have the solutions. I know that my decisions are correct. My decisions are not set in stone; I can change them at will. My choices are the best.”

When you circulate these energies around you and within your mind, solutions will materialize for you. It may come in the form of a person offering help, a thing that sparks an idea or even your problem seemingly corrects itself. Now, the next method is important, being open minded means that you open your eyes towards all possible opportunities. Instead of relying on traditional sources of solutions, you have to welcome all the forms that solutions may take. It is as easy to overlook something that is right in front of you as things that are distant from you. When you have an open mind, you develop an attitude of creativity. Solutions can be found and implemented even in the unlikeliest of channels, all you have to do is to saturate your mind with the thoughts that solutions are there in the first place.

Of course, the final step that can attract solutions is action. Without action, all your decisions will never bear fruit or materialize. Instead, they will only be ideas that hove around problems and never actually solving then. The most crucial phase in decision making is the first action step taken. Once you make the choice of putting yourself in action mode, then the rest of the solutions will materialize. Remember, as you perform these actions, do so while sustaining the correct thoughts in your mind. Continue to affirm that your actions are appropriate and will bring you towards the getting rid of your problems.


When you have these thoughts, of open mindedness, of positivity, of creativity and of limitless possibilities of solutions, then you can live a life that is driven by solution instead of problems. You will realize that problems are really unavoidable in life but you know that you are surrounded by an energy field that attracts solutions. Soon you will see problems are fleeting away from your life, they are present but the sooner they appear the sooner they also fade away when you have the correct thought processes.

Take that even following the Law, it does not guarantee that all solutions you have will be appropriate. There will be times when you will make a mistake on a choice or you will fail to make a decision on time. This does not mean that the Law has failed, this only means that you have yet to maximize the full potential of your mind in attracting the solutions that will finally resolve the problem at hand. Keep your mind guarded against negative thoughts, open your mind towards possibilities and opportunities for solutions and soon you will get rid of problems in life and improve your decision making processes.

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