“Whatever you're thinking about is literally like planning a future event. When you're worrying, you are planning. When you're appreciating you are planning... What are you planning?" -Abraham-Hicks
When you are attracted by some specific person, you may think about how much you want the specific person you have in mind. You know how great he is. You know the two of them would work well together.You know what a great life we would have if we were finally together. But have you thought about what the relationship would be like once you were together?
It's great a great feeling to to want to manifest love with a specific person, but don't you want more?
...the long talks where the two of you don't notice the time pasting?
...the fun and laughter from inside jokes that only the two of you get?
...the sense of peace and contentment both of you feel when you look at each other and you know you're meant to be together...you’re soulmates, right?
Think about what you desire in a relstionship
It’s great to manifest a specific person, but if you only focus on the person, you may not get everything that you want.
You need to create the entire relationship you want to have with this person.
When you make a list of everything you desire in the relationship, things may cover contents as below:
•You support each other in good times and bad.
•You have similar morals and goals.
•You are mutually compatible.
•You can always count on her to be there when you need her.
•You makes him feel like the most important thing in his life.
Put everything in the present tense. You want to create this relationship now, so write everything as if you already have it
Also make sure you make every thing positive. Think of it as a grocery list. What you put down on your grocery list, you know you’re going to get at the store. It's just there to help you remember to buy everything you want.
Make your relationship list
Your relationship list is no different.Know you're going to get it, just as certainly as you would find eggs or bread at the grocery store. This is your grocery list for love.
Don't worry about how long your relationship list is. What matters is that you design your ideal relationship. Only you know what that is. If you never figure out what it is that you want, you won't get what you really want.
Don't worry about what you make your relationship list with - it doesn't matter if you use a computer, pen and paper, chisel and stone, or crayon and drawing pad. Just make the list.
You know the person you want so let's go shopping for the whole package - the person and the ideal relationship. Are you ready?
Don't worry about anything sounding too far-fetched. Shoot for the stars! This is your relationship you’re creating so make it the best you can.
Be careful to not become too obsessive about your relationship list. It's there as a guide to the Universe, not as a list that you should feel pressured about.
Once you've created your relationship list, glance over it once a day. This helps you stay focused on what you want.