Everybody has the potential to be happy, so why are so many people up tight and unhappy? The fact is that over the course of a lifetime, the reaction that they may have experienced from others has left a negative impact. A child being told that he is useless may grow up with an inferiority complex and feel bad about who he is. A girl with a fuller figure may have been criticized by her peers and see herself as less worthy than others. The fact is though that people deemed overweight can be happy, so what's the difference between the happy ones and the unhappy ones?
If you observe in a shopping mall or in a crowded place the way that people behave, what you will see is that a cross section of people will stand apart from the crowd by displaying happiness. They may be all shapes and sizes but what sets them apart from others is that they are happy with who they are. Sure, a straight haired girl may want to have curly hair or someone going gray may want to color her hair for looks, but basically these people who are happy don’t have any complexes about themselves. They feel self-sufficient. They don't rely on someone else making up for their deficiencies and when you are attractive to others and love yourself sufficiently to feel positive, what happens is that you tend to attract positive people.
If you let self-esteem issues get in the way, you stop the law of attraction from happening. It's like you are walking around with a huge advertising sign on your back that says:
•I am unacceptable.
•I am incomplete.
•I am ugly.
•I am not worth knowing as a friend.
Of course, all of this is nonsense. You are only unacceptable because you have a belief in your head that you are. You are only incomplete because you let your thoughts make you believe that. You are only ugly if you believe yourself to be, and you are only not worth knowing as a friend if you zap the energy of everyone by being so insecure that you need constant reassurance.
People with self-esteem issues don’t attract the right kind of people. The underdog becomes the underdog because he/ she allows themselves to become inferior to others. You see it all the time that people make unreasonable demands of your time, but those with low self-esteem seem to accept it as their lot in life that they have to be servile and do what other people demand of them. Of course, they don’t. They allow themselves to become doormats because of this silly belief that they don't merit any more than that.
Observation Exercise
Really look at people and see which ones appear to be very happy and stable. These are the people who will attract positive interactions and positive friendships. How they do that is simply by loving themselves. That doesn't mean that you become selfish. That means that you have a certain amount of self-respect and actually like who you are. If you don't like who you are, how can you expect positive people to be attracted to you?
Look at the attributes of positive people and tell yourself to become more positive. Learn from their example. When you become positive, you lose all that negativity that holds you back and you begin to see that people are naturally attracted to you. You hold the key to opening up a dialog with people if you can get to grips with liking yourself. If you have trouble with that, work on it. For every negative feeling you have about yourself, develop a positive one. Make a neighbor happy and bake a cake instead of sitting around the house moping. It's really up to you to be positive and not to be needy. When you are, the Law of Attraction opens so many doors to you and your life becomes very worthwhile and happy.
Divert yourself from miserable thoughts. Dwelling on the past doesn't help your cause. The past is gone. Worrying about the future doesn’t help either. It isn’t here yet. If you don't like who you are, take one moment at a time and make sure that moment is the best moment you can have. Forget about all those unnecessary hang-ups. You may have been a victim of circumstance, but you only remain one for as long as you see yourself as a victim. The moment you get past that stage of looking inwardly and feeling sorry for the way your life has treated you, you begin to see the Law of Attraction draw people to you. You are not a victim. You are not negative. You are someone who is going to use positive drive and energy to make relationships with people on an equal footing. Drop those friends who are toxic and make you even more negative. Find friends that make you feel happier in yourself and the world becomes a very nice place to be.