In daily life, we always need to seek help from others by saying “Could you do me a favor?”. When you’re stepping into the gate of the office carrying a stack of documents in you hand, you’ll say “Could you do me a favor to open the door for me?” to your colleague who just happen to come out of the office. When you’re cooking some delicious meal for your family members but you’ve forget where the sugar had been put and you wanna your husband to find it for you, you would say to your husband “Could you do me a favor to get the sugar for me?” When you’re going to leave your home with both your luggage and your kid, you’ll say “Could you do me a favor to key an eye on the luggage for a while because mum need to lock the door now?”. All those sceneris of asking help by saying “Could you do me a favor” are so familar with us. But we hardly say “Could you do yourself a favor?” when we have problems ourselves.
We need to learn to say “Do yourself a favor!” because it’s a way of self-love. When you’re unwilling to carry on reviewing lessons for preparing an exam to come. Persistence and patience will come back to you when you say “Do yourself a favor!” and it’s going to be an end soon. When you’re carrying out your exercise plan but some day you’ll be just too tired for busy work of a whole day, you could say “do yourself a favor!” to carry your exercise on and even form a habit and you can end a busy day with a sound sleep! When you’re going to give up the opportunity of taking part in an important professional meeting just because of an unexpected traffic jam, say “do yourself a favor!” and you can conquer tiny touble but seize real significant chances for yourself. You see! You can get more patience, persistence and courage to yourself by saying “do yourself a favor!”. All those good qualities are source of positive energy. If you could gradually involve all those good qualities into your life, your life will change to be better with time passing by.
Susan used to be a shy girl and was always lazy meeting friends or relatives. She spent most of her spare time sleeping or eating snacks, which made her overweight. But she was good in her study and this is the only reason Kathy shared much time with her. Compared with Susan, Kathy was a lovely and pretty girl. She had different interests and was very popular among her friends and classmates. Those two girls once were good friends and classmates live quite a different life now. Kathy is now a professional leader in a listed IT company and she also had been in a happy marriage with a lovely daughter. Compared with her, Susan is still single, consuming routine days with her old habits. Moreover, she had problems in her health because she is now suffering from diabetes at her 30s. What if Susan had realized her own problems and do herself a favor to change her bad life habits? What if Susan had done herself a favor to become a little more extrovert and learn more good aspects of Kathy? Of course she would be totally different from who she is now! But it’s a pity she isn’t and she need to do more if she want to change her current bad situation now.