Give him a little time - than dump him

Author Gregg Michaelsen From Love is in the Mouse 8 years ago 6322

Some guys say they want to meet a woman in their profile, but in reality, they just want a pen pal. If you swap emails with a guy for a few days and you think he's legit, it's time to meet. If he wavers or keeps putting you off, it's time to let him go. If you reach 3 weeks and you still haven't met, there's a reason and you don't want to know it I have a quick activity to you in Exercise 6 I of your workbook.

Since you're reading this, I can only assume you're serious about meeting someone, in person. Therefore, it's time to talk about how and when you should take your online conversations offline. We’ve already discussed this a little bit, but now it's time to dig in and get to the meat of the conversation.

But first few cautions

It can be very, very easy to fall in love with someone before you ever meet them in person, and I am now cautioning you not to do this. At all points during an online 'relationship', it is important for you to remember one key thing: you do not yet know this person - this is a stranger.

I don’t care how many emails he’s sent to you, describing himself to you and winning you over, he could be playing you and you don't know yet. You also don't know if the person you're speaking to looks anything too good to be true his messages - he may be googling those things to say and may be dry as a bone in person • He seems to find and cultivate your soft spots - animals are prime targets, but so are kids and little sisters; if he figures out you're a softie for dogs, he may use that topic to soften you up to him so if he seems to talk a lot about things you're passionate about, watch out.

• He keeps himself on your mind by texting you first thing in the morning and last thing before you go to sleep, and multiple times throughout the day.

A guy like this is trying to make you fall for him, He could be cat fishing or he could be up to no good in another way. It doesn't really matter what his reason is, you're onto his game and you're moving on!

Really ready?

You need to make sure you're in the right place to meet a guy. Many first dates fail because one person or both is not really in the right place in our lives. What should you watch out for?

Do You Idealize People?

Idealizing silicone means you but think on pedestal. You perceive in them a level of perfection they do not actually hold. This usually comes from feeling as if you fall short in some or all aspects of your own life. You perceive someone else to be so far above you. The truth of the matter is that you are seeing the good in this person and ignoring the red flags.

If you idealize him, you may need to take a step back. When you meet someone online, you are provided with limited information.

It is human nature to fill in the blanks with information you want to believe. If you've made this guy out to be all-good or all perfect, you've idealized him. guarantee you this guy has flaws and you may have seen evidence of them already. If you're replacing red flags with green ones, you need to step back. People tend to idealize their partners or potential partners when they are trying to fill an emotional void.

You're looking for 'sameness' in someone.

I Want to Meet Mom "Today!

Another cue for you is wanting to meet his friends and family right away Meeting friends and family is definite something recommend for people in new relationship, but not for a while like a month or so after you begin seer one another (not a month from meet online. When you are pushing to meet 1 friends and family too soon, you prone I lack close friends or family in your own and are craving that from someone replacing red flags with green ones, you need to step back. People tend to idealize their partners or potential partners when they are trying to fill an emotional void. You’re looking for ‘sameness’ in someone.

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