Our time and energy in life are limited and what we need the most are sincere and highly effective communication rather than ineffective social network.
You often depend on parents when you are at home and depend on friends when you are outside. Maybe it’s just because of strong influence of this saying that many people always are ready to ask for mobile phones and remain mobile phones. Once in a period, quite a few people consider it an honor to successfully ask for mobile phones of some important people or to take some group photos with them.
I once remembered a time 10 years ago by accident to contact some “significant people” and we communicate with each other very well. We exchanged our mutual mobile phones. I originally consider it very important as a source of social relationship. Not long ago, I just have met this “significant people” when I encounter difficulties and I call him to ask for help. However, he just replied that he was not available to listen to me. To be honest, I was just very frustrated by then.
Many people have ever encountered refuse as what I have encountered above but they didn’t reserve any contact ways for each other. However, they just have forgot an important thing:
People can only help each other when they are equal.
Actually, many social network ways are useless as people just called in vain even though they need help. They’re refused just because that they aren’t excellent enough. Tough it is tough, who is willing to help a person who is not excellent.
Once a young doctor raised a question: “How should I refuse some unwanted guests if I am just focusing on my own tasks? Will I lose my social networks?”.
Only excellent people can get excellent social networks.
If you are not excellent enough, your interpersonal network is not valued at all because they can’t be pursued but shall be attracted. Only in an way of exchange of equal values can your excellence really be attracted by others and you can then gain reasonable help. Tough it sounds cold but it’s fact.
I have a friend beside me. He spends most of his time to be with friends and reputes his such conducts as making friends and coping with relationships. He often ignore his family members and spend less time with his family members.
At the begining, there are indeed some friends going around them and following them. In his mind, to own friends it to everything. Later, people with whom he can get well along with gradually leave him. The main cause is that they concern more about their own business. It may be unnecessary except for lacking of time. When you spend your time on mixing with friends, you can make a solid foundation on your business if you don’t have strong capability.
Please remember your social network hides in you. Only when you make yourself stronger can you really own useful personal relationships.
Knowing more people doesn’t equal to wide personal relationship route. The first route to manage your personal relationship is to turn your traditional prejudice on evaluating heros as per number of people you know in your relationship.
The foundation for your personal relationship is your “value to be used”; the more value you can be used, the more possible other may help you. It’s better to spend time improve personal value of yourself instead of targeting on knowing more people.