How Do You Deal with Your Inadequacies?

Author Sofia Price From Jealousy: How To Overcome Jealousy, Insecurity and Trust Issues- Save Your Relationship, Love Life and Emotions (5th Edition) 7 years ago 12335

If you know that you have inadequacies yourself and your inadequacies usually do show in your life, then you can address them. Your ignoring on the inadequacies won't make the inadequacies go away. Children who were jealous of his friend having a better tool may just go on to become jealous of the other kids chosen for the school team. He may then be jealous of those who get the job at interview that he didn't pass. Problem of the children may go on similarly. The problem with taking jealousy through your life is that you also take negativity. You just don't learn anything by it but make others suffer having to listen to it instead. 

What you need to do is to start learning to improve your own inadequacies.

Under the influence of jealousy, you may just make yourself sound pathetic by using excuses like:

My neighbor has more money than I do.

My neighbor is luckier than me.

My neighbor has money to throw away.

Even if any of the questions above is true, If I want a swimming pool in my garden, I should never want one just because someone else has one. It's stupidity. There are many things that you want in life, but you don't blame others because you don't have them. You shouldn't be jealous of those who do have them. You may ask how you can get whatever it is and work out the logistics of it, or you make work out a way that you can enjoy the same benefits that the person who has more than you, but jealousy serves no purpose except to divide you and the person who has more than you. That divide is negative and actually serves absolutely no purpose whatsoever. Your jealousy doesn't get you a simming pool like the neighbor you are jealous of. Therefore, you can see that jealousy is pointless and gains you very little, except perhaps the disrespect of others and a bad feeling inside.

Have you heard that some men just buy a car as a "penis extension" and expect everyone to understand it as such. They think that the car is just what attracts other people. This is actually a very shallow thougt. Because if the kind of people who are attracted to the car are the type you crave, then you're selling yourself short. Instead of going this way, you could choose another alternative, to find the girl first and buy the car together and both enjoying it on an equal footing. This is a much more satisfying idea. The problem is that if you hold material things at such a high value, you're selling yourself short if you depend upon them to keep a relationship together. If you choose a car firs to attract girls, then if one day the car goes, so do the girls. You shall just grow up and learn that the people who are worth knowing are those who accept you regardless of what car you own or whether you have a car or not.

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