How Humility Can Help You to Be a Better Person?

Author Sofia Price From Jealousy: How To Overcome Jealousy, Insecurity and Trust Issues- Save Your Relationship, Love Life and Emotions (5th Edition) 7 years ago 12219

Humility can help you much more open to changes and it makes you less materialistic. It can also make you appreciate who you are. You don't need or crave other people's approval anymore. Gradually you are less needy and more giving. People who dwell on jealousy are not humble and they have expectations in life, they're those who always expect everyone to go along with the expectations. When you see humility in someone, you instantly recognize it as something that's positive and good. It is humility that helps your character to develop. People with humility even has a habit of doing humble exercises such as to bring oneself back to earth to get down on his or her hands and knees and scrub a carpet. You can try this. In trying, you'll certainly gain a whole new insight as to your weaknesses and strengths. With a sense of humility, you never think yourself too grand to do a job like that.Many great people have the quality of humility.For example, Mother Theresa is a kind of humble people who are always happy to give service to those needing their guidance and help. Compared with humble people, selfish people always tend to leave themselves susceptible to jealousy. The reason is because they think themselves are entitled to something. And you will get angry and annoyed if you don't get it. To be a better person, you need to learn from those humble extraordinary person. You'd better set them as your typical role models and ask yourself the following questions:

●Why do I admire this person so much?

●How can I become like this person?

●What actions do they take that I can use in my own life?

●What attributes make this person inspire me?

●Can I add any elements of their characteristics into my own life?

Having setting someone you really admire and want to be like in the world, you can then decide how to incorporate who they are into your character. To explain it in more detail, if I admire Dalai Lama. I can incorporate things he believes into my thoughts and life. Details can be equiped accordingly to the questions listed as above.

1.Why do I admire him so much?

I really admire his ability to smile lightly through all the time, good or bad. I admire the fact that he is strong in inner heart and always share with people how they can become strong. Also I admore him for having no expectations from other people. This means that he is always ready for any potential disappointment and can remain positive regardless how difficult life is.

2.How can I be like this person?

He always gets inner peace and extends it to others. He has taught me meditation. He taught me about being happy within myself. What he has taught me has helped improved my weaknesses and inadequacies and I no longer need to feel jealousy. When setting your model, you'd better check how he or she can help you to make your life more valuable. If your model has good personality you don't have or you are weak current now, you can learn from him or her. You need to figure out what makes you like your role model and what can you learn from to improve yourself more.

3.What actions do they take that I can use in my own life?

They spread good will and positivity. If you learn to incorporate their good will and positivity into your own life, you would live more happily and more fulfilled. Dalai Lama teaches respect for self in line with respect for others and both are equally important. This is actually of great significance as in such a way, you can not only learn to be self-confident but also will help you get on well with others. It's quite common that people have different role models and you can't be the same as your model too. But you can learn just a little bit from them, to help you become a better person and improve yourself a little bit.For example, if you admire Martin Luther King as your role model and know about his public speaking competency very well, you can try to incorporate some of his public speaking skills into your personal life.

4.What attributes make this person inspire me?

Dalai Lama has peace within himself and the ability to spread positivity. Peace and positivity actually are very important elements in our life as we can change our life to be better by combining the two. We tend to feel jealous of people because they seem to have their cup more than half full. Their cup is almost overflowing while yours is almost down bottom. However, how full your cup is only depends on your attitudes towards life. If you have hatred, fear, jealousy and other negative attitudes to life, you can't really attain inner happiness as those negative traits may stop that from happening.

You can learn more about your role model to find more details you could dig out for the questions above, then you'll certainly find more clues for you to learn from and incorporate them into your life. By taking what you've learned into actions, you'll gradually develop more self-confidence and feel it less need to display jealousy.Your role models need't to be always great people. Instead, you could choose even friends or someone close to you and you secretly admire because of their postive life attitute and satisfied life state. In taking actions, you can start from the easy ones to difficult ones until you gradually form a habit of behaving in a good way. By following such a process, your life will certail be more peaceful and happily, with growing of your self-confidence.

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