How Much of Your Behavior is Just Your Personality?

Author Joyce Meyer From Living Beyond Your Feelings 7 years ago 11025

People tend to be very different from one another in how they act and respond to particular situations. This has been studied in depth, and four basic personality types have been identified. Some people have a personality that is more emotional than others; this group is called sanguine. Sanguine people are cheerfully optimistic, and they are the life of the party, talkative and passionate. They tend not to be as naturally disciplined and organized as some of the other personality types. They don’t merely feel and express excitement; they are passionately excited and enthusiastic, especially about things they enjoy.

The other three personality types are choleric, phlegmatic, and melancholy. While we all possess elements of more than one of these personality types, most people have a dominant type that is prevalent in their personality. No wonder it’s hard for all of us different people to try to get along together!

The choleric or type A person is strong in his approach to life. We might say he does everything with a bang! He is definite and emphatic about what he wants. When cholerics make mistakes, they are usually loud mistakes. They make quick decisions, are confident, and are born to lead. They want to control and have a tendency to be bossy. They are goal-oriented and find value in accomplishment. The choleric person can get a lot done in life, but he can also leave a trail of wounded people along the way. Thankfully, God can use our strengths and help us discipline our weaknesses if we give Him control. We can learn to have Spirit-controlled temperataments. In case you have not already realized it, I am a strong choleric.

Jack is mainly phlegmatic. He is more easy going and not emotional at all. He is very logical, which is not only a trait of his personality type, but a trait that is inherent in most men. Jack is very patient and can wait forever for things to happen. He never worries; he is never tormented by guilt. There are a few things in life, like his golf and football games and not taking vacations in cold places, that he is very definite about, but mostly he is agreeabel to whatever I want to do. As he says himself, he is adaptable. It is interesting to note that frequently a choleric marries a phlegmatic. They are opposites, but each has something the other needs.

Then we have the melancholy people. They are creative, talented, and highly organized. They need a plan! They love lists! Some of them tend to be easily depressed and discouraged. The need lots of encouragement, especially about their accomplishments. Quite often a melancholy person will marry a sanguine and the war is on until they learn the ar of blending and benefiting from each other’s strengths while being long-suffering with the weakness.

Choleric people are often irritated by the bubbly sanguine because they have things to accomplish and are very serious about their goals. The sanguine has a goal to enjoy life and have fun. Sanguine people are a bit random and don’t do well with schedules. If they made a list at all, they probably would not know where it was if they needed it.

Deep melancholies are a bit difficult for most choleric people too. Their strengths are vital to us, but their need for perfection can be a bit overwhelming.

All the personality types have strengths and weaknesses. As I said, most of us have a blend of personality traits. We have one that is more prominent and a bit of one or more of the others.

Everyone is beautiful in their own way, and thankfully God gives us the ability to get along if we are willing to learn about our differences and show real love to one another.

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