If you’re looking for the single most effective way to get women to chase you, this is preselection.
Date more women. Funnily enough, women are a bit like money. The more you have, the easier it is to get more. You may have noticed this in your own life, getting more looks and flirtations advances while having a girlfriend, and less when you’re single.
Post picture on facebook. Take pictures with some cutre girls and post them on Facebook.
Don’t reveal your notch count. If she asks how many women you’ve slept with, exaggerate if it’s low, or simply hint at it being high. For example, “what, today? Not many...” or “That’s classified information. If I told you, I’d have to kill you.”
Have zero neediness. Be ready, able and willing to walk out the door at any moment. Don’t put up with a woman’s shit. Simply acting like you’ve got an abundance of women automatically makes you more attractive in her eyes. Though they’ll never admit it, women are usper attracted to guys who have options.
Don’t over-invest in her. This relates directly to neediness. Is a guy who has plenty of women and is always getting laid going to be immediately responding to her texts, liking all her social media posts, sending her long text messages, constantly checking his phone, etc.? No, of course not. Cultivate that “I get laid” vibe by cutting out all behaviors that demonstrate your lack of options.
If you’re looking for the single most effective way to get women to chase you, this is preselection.
Be the prize
If you’re “too easy” for women, they naturally assume (usually subconciously) that you don’t get laid much. This leads a woman to think that she is a prize for you. That she is the “catch”. Women don’t want this. Women are hypergamous and are hard wired to want to be with men who they feel are better than them.
Women never want to be the prize. Rather, they want you to be the prize.
And if you’re “too easy”, act needy, or give off a “I don’t get laid much” vibe, it’s clear that you’re less valuable than her — not an attractive proposition. She wants to mate with a guy she perceive as higher value than her. And you know the best way to show her you’re that kind of guy — the kind of guy she wants to sleep with? Preselection.
If girls think that other girls are fighting over you, you become more attractive to them.
Be the prize. Act the prize. Behave like you have a great, big pair of brass balls that go “KLANK!” when you walk.