How You Respond When You Say “I Feel Excited about This!”?

Author Joyce Meyer From Living Beyond Your Feelings 7 years ago 9896

Excitement is a good feeling; we all enjoy it. Sometimes we need the fule of excitement to help us enjoy a thing, but at other times if we make serious decisions based on excitement alone, it can cause trouble.

Excitement might be referred to as impulse that is a sudden urge to do a thing. The Bible tells us that catering to impulse is a sign of spiritual immaturity and is not pleasing to God (see Rom. 8:8, 1 Cor.3:1-3). If we took the time to examine some of our feelings, we would find them to be very irrational.

For example, people often commit to things that are actually impossible for them to do. They commit in excitement or due to an impulse without taking the time to consider whether they will be able to finish what they started. If we are honest, we have to admit that we create a lot of the messes in our lives ourselves. We may blame them on other things and people, but truly much of it is our own fault.

Have you ever done anything impulsively and been very sorry later but had no way to undo what you had done? I know I have, and I don’t think there is a worse feeling in the world for me. I know the trouble that can be caused by following sudden urges without examing them wisely.

Feelings are very fickle. They are always changing; they come and go like the waves in the ocean. They are up, then down, and seem to be controlled by some unseen force that we don’t understand. “Why do I feel the way I feel?” is a frequently asked question, but our confusion is often like what someone with no scientific knowledge might feel trying to understand why sometimes the ocean is smooth and flat and at other times it is thrashing about wildly. It just is, and we accept that.

Don’t just get into the boat with nobody at the helm and merely hope that the waves of life take you somewhere good.

If you are wise, we don’t go sailing in the ocean when it is wild with waves that appear dangerous, and neither should we get into our emotions when they are wildly changing; first up and then down, here and there, coming and going. The best thing to do is wait for them to settle before taking any action. Take the helm and sail your own ship. Don’t just get into the boat with nobody at the helm and merely hope that the waves of life take you somewhere good.

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