Lengthen the leash. If your partner plans on spending the weekend with friends, let him go and have fun. If you tighten the leash in the hopes that he won't be able to anything to hurt the relationship, then you'll be living in an unhealthy relationship in the long term. Dog frequently walks outdoors live more happily and healthily than those closed in one's house. To "imprison" your partner will only fuel his desire to free himself from your possessiveness. Give him freedom to have fun and spend time with friends and he'll believe that without doubt, this is a great relationship to be in.
We retain our character by allowing ourselves to remain individuals even if we were in a relationship. That's very healthy indeed. Trust is what it's all about. However, if trust isn't there, the big green monster starts to examine things and comes up with scenarios that probably don't exist anyway. If your husband wanted to leave you, getting rid of his chance of going on that trip wouldn't do you any good because he would still leave. Why imprison your man? When you lengthen the leash, you're giving him a clear message that the relationship is built on trust. When you get in the way of your partner's person freedom because of jealous thoughts, you may just be cutting your own lifeline.
You're separate individuals
Remember you're still independent and separate individuals even in relationships. Why go on a vacation with him if your interests are different from his? Why suffer two weeks of going around museums when you hate museums? Why make him sit on a beach when he hates even putting on his shorts?
Once you can get beyond jealous thoughts, you can find a really nice place to be. It gives you independence within the framework of a relationship. This can make your relationship even more valuable because you two have more to share with each other after the event.
Jealousy may destroy your relationship
As we've already analyzed that jealousy always reveals a person's inadequacy, it means that your partner can't fulfill his or her ambitions quite often. Your partner still can go on vacation alone even if you won't let him or her. If you begin to stifle your partner's dreams, you'll be only expecting him or her to be bitter and it's quite unreasonable. You've got a chance to hand so tightly with your partner. However, if you choose to screw it up with jealousy, you may actually never get a chance to make amends with your partner. Your partner may just grab his or her own dreams and leave you alone to fester your jealousy.
Once you find any sign that your relationship is heading in a direction where jealousy becomes part of it, you need to fix the relationship as soon as you can. The jealousy may be either from you or your partner, it will just eat into your trust for each other and will no doubt lead to destruction of your relationship. Once you find that your partner is showing jealousy in an unreasonable manner and is stopping you from living your life, you need to cut your loss and walk away. You can either tell him straight that unless he finds it within himself to trust you, the relationship is over. Or he'll help. His jealousy in your life may make you hard to take a breathe. However, if it's you who is being jealous, you may need to show your partner that you're trying to deal with it as hardly anyone can live with someone who is jealous for the long term and continue to feel positive in a life beside a jealous person.
Think about what kind of relationship you want
You should think about it. Could you live with someone who questioned you every day of the week and made you feel that there was no trust at all. Eroded trust is a little like taking the bottom out of a glass and expecting it to hold water. It takes away the very foundations of a relationship and when those foundations are gone, there's not a lot left to salvage.Your loved one deserves your trust and you deserves his trust.And he or she doesn't deserve your irrational outbursts or the tears that you cry because you have self-esteem issues.If you're not prepared to deal with those self-esteem issues, why would you want someone you love to have to live with them? It's unreasonable and you're actually going to make his or her life much more miserable. Therefore, grow up to fight for the real relationship you really want!