You should always believe yourself that you're great and you're worthy of love and a fulfilling relationship based on honesty and trust. These're really what men are looking for in women nowadays. Physical looks can be a given requisite but it's who you're inside that attracts men the most.Various physical activities release chemicals (enter the endorphins) that, among other known benefits, give your self-esteem a much-needed boost. So, whatever you do, always connect and communicate with your partner.
Making a connection also needs a solid foundation. This means working things out on your part, like following your passions, pursuing hobbies, or getting into sports and other leisure activities. This would also be a good time to reconnect with family and friends, catching up on lost time and strengthening bonds. All these also set the stage so you could pamper yourself. You’ll be surprised that you are no longer comparing yourself to other women.
Bring Out Your Secret Weapon - Confidence
It's no secret, but your confidence in yourself is what wins the day, and men believe that self-confidence is sexy.
Note that showing trust, respect, and love to your man, complemented by your easy-going personality (this you have to build up after realizing that jealousy is not really for you), has more power over your obsessive jealousy when it comes to his decision to stay faithful to you. If you are able to control your jealous feelings and showcase your true beauty instead, he’ll have all the reasons to remain faithful to you. He’Il also become impartial to other women’s attention.
Time To Stop Feeding The Green - Eyed Monster
Understand that whatever you do and no matter how much effort you put into it, your jealous feelings will be there for a while. Jealousy is not something you can just command to go away overnight.
It's perfectly normal. Besides, after seeing the bigger picture, it's not really the problem. It's the toll taken on your self-esteem and self-worth, as well as the feelings of security that you have to face now. But rest easy. All these feelings will eventually ease down on you - that is, if you stop feeding that lurking monster.
Given that communication in a relationship is a must to keep the monster at bay, you now need to connect with your partner and talk to him or her in a positive mood. As already mentioned above, how you communicate with your partner regarding this issue really matters. You would not want one small misconception to ruin it all, would you?
Talk to your partner about the jealousy issue, so both of you can manage and prevent it rather than dwell on it further. Share with him what you feel without hurling any accusations. Make your requests crystal clear - “I don't know, but I think I’ll begin to feel a bit insecure. This would be a good, positive approach be better if we finalize our plans so we can both look forward to spending time together.”
It's Much Better This Way; Would You Agree?
See to it that you request specific things with the aim of containing your insecurities, like planning the calls that you guys will be making to each other or taking the time to share experiences of the day. If you have a better connection between the two of you, there would be less instances of jealousy surfacing in the relationship.
If you plan to phone at lunch, then he will plan to answer. If you telephone and it’s not planned, he may actually be in a meeting and unable to answer. That gives fuel to jealousy. Avoid this by planning things together.
Managing Your Stress At The Same Time
Another way of seeing jealousy is in its nature as being a stress response. This implies that, once you’re feeling anxious and overwhelmed, your jealousy becomes more intense, like something very heavy inside your chest, and you'll have to carry it wherever you go. Before you look for reassurance from your partner, make sure you have already done your part; manage your anxiety by engaging your heart and mind in a healthy lifestyle change (good nutrition, exercise, and meditation/yoga) and a whole lot of support surrounding you. Whenever you are in a self-care mode, the green-eyed monster tends to settle down.
Actually, when you start to do things that relax your mind and help your lifestyle, you find that a lot of positivity comes out of it. Things that would normally make you anxious no longer do because your mind is already calm. Thus, you have a responsibility to yourself and to your partner to minimize the potential for self-doubt and anxiety by embracing a more spiritual outlook on life.