Note Your Hair

Author Dr. Jane Smart From 20 Things Men Love In Women 8 years ago 5420

They say that physical beauty is only deep skin and the most important beauty is on the inside. We cannot argue that, but even so, physical beauty plays an important role when it comes to attracting men. While women are emotional beings, men are visual beings. A man has to notice the physical beauty of a woman first before he can love her.

Before a woman can connect with a man emotionally, she has to satisfy him first visually. A physically attractive woman has the advantage because men often hesitate to take the first step of approaching women if they do not like what they see.

The attractive power of women's hair cannot be overemphasized. Most men are attracted to women with long hair, perhaps because it makes a woman look more feminine and men like the idea of running their fingers through a woman's long hair. Long, shiny hair is an indication that a woman is healthy and also says a lot about her character. The commitment and money spent on maintaining beautiful hair are indications a woman is financially stable and she is concern about her well-being. A woman's hair can help her to become more attractive. A woman with beautiful long hair is also more confident with her looks and that makes her more alluring.

Hair is one of the characteristics that separate men from women. It is unwise for a woman to cut her hair if she has beautiful hair. Although inconvenient, a woman should learn how to take care of her hair and let it grow as long as possible. Even if a man says he does not care at all, deep down, he really likes long. Long hair is just another way to embrace a woman's femininity.

The hair can be one of a woman's biggest assets when it comes to attracting a man. Men find it romantic when a woman plays with her hair or runs her hands through it, or moves her long locks from one shoulder to another with her hands to reveal her neck while making eye contact with a man.

Many men like women with long hair. While some men like women with short hair, there is something about long hair that many men find special, especially if it is well maintained and it smells good.

Long hair is considered sexy and romantic by most men. It is not that short hair does not look good on women, but long hair looks feminine and sexy to men. All other things being equal, men's eyes will gravitate toward an average looking woman with long braids instead of a beautiful woman with short locks.

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