Positive Thinking and Companionship is Key to Your Relationship

Author Law of Attraction - The Secret to Love, Happiness, & Abundance From John Baskin 7 years ago 7350

Positive Thinking

Instead of using artificial and weak methods to attract love in your life, such as online dating services or blind dates that are ill suited to you and your preferences, the Law of Attraction can be applied. To apply the Law you can employ several methods to change your mental state in such a way that it will create an environment that is primed towards attracting another person.

Positive thinking is one of the best choices that you can use. Transform all negative thoughts, feelings of hopelessness, loneliness and depression into thoughts that are both positive and energizing. The key here is that if you want to find love, then you need to feel loved. Celebrate your strengths and uniqueness. Focus on your positive traits instead of your challenges. Love yourself for who you are and accept everything about yourself. If you want to change something about yourself, do it for yourself not for the sake of others. When you have these thoughts, you will have positive thoughts and affirmations of yourself. You create thoughts and energy states within your mind that feels loved and when you feel loved, you produce a field of energy that attracts the same thing.

Catch and prevent yourself from saying discouraging statements to yourself, “l will be alone forever. I will never find someone. Nobody will ever like me.” These are statements that can cause serious harm to your personal life. Instead of attracting the love that you are looking for, it will do the exact opposite. These thoughts will only attract isolation.

The next step after learning to love yourself is to begin radiating your love towards others. Instead of being critical, aggressive or hurtful of other people, turn your thoughts around. Learn to love those around, even strangers that you meet. This is important because you are spreading the field of energy that radiates in love. This way, you expand your sphere of influence, which in turn increase the coverage of your energy synching with another person's search for the same love that you need.

Radiating love does not have to be grand; it can be done with something as simple as showing interest in the lives of other people. You can show genuine care for their welfare, ask about their day, offer your help or company or other random acts of kindness. As you do these steps, you not only create thoughts within your mind that makes attracting the same kind of actions possible but also you create ripples of energies that flow outside of you through other people.

Smiling, enjoying and having genuine fun are another set of ways to create situations that are attractive towards love. It is very natural for people to feel attuned to others who exude feelings and emotions that are highly desirable. Happiness is one such feeling that is considered to be very attractive. Everybody wants to be happy and when they see someone who is happy they cannot help but feel attracted to the happy person, they feel that the longer they enjoy their company, the more the happiness will rub off on them. Take advantage of this phenomenon, by exuding happiness, aside from inner love, you are attracting people without even knowing it.

Another step is to make you prepared for love, even if it is still not there. Open your mind and your heart to the opportunities to be loved. Be welcoming of possibilities instead of constraining yourself. Also show courage against the thought of being hurt. Take risks once a valid opportunity presents itself, instead of being too careful that you end up not making any progress at all.

If you will notice the Law of Attraction when applied for love and personal relationships, the focus is not actually the person that you want to attract. Instead of focusing your efforts on attracting others, the Law is best and most appropriately applied in relation to you and your own mind. You may want to attract another person but the work and the change are to be done for you. Changing your thoughts, radiating your love and learning to love yourself are the secrets to create a field of love that can only attract the same.


When you have successfully improved your state of mind, you will gradually attract not only the person that you are meant to love but also those that can be valuable friends and companions. The Law of Attraction is so beneficial that it can also help you attract more than love but also friendship. As a result, from a physical and emotional life of being alone and isolated, your life will be completely transformed to a life tilled with valuable and true relationships. Remember although you are indeed trying to attract someone, your focus and the subject of concern for the Law is on the one person that you can change, which is yourself.

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