Secret to Manifest Love with A Specific Person

Author Elizabeth Daniels From Manifesting Love- How to use the law of attraction to attract a specific person. Get your ex back and have have the relationship of your dreams 7 years ago 9731

“One of the greatest pitfalls in attempting to use the law of assumption is focusing your attention on things, on a new home, a better job, a bigger bank balance...[It] is not the thing itself; it is the consciousness, the feeling of already being the person you want to be, of already having the thing you desire.”- Neville Goddard

For anything you want to be, do or have in your life, you must be a vibrational match to it. This means that you only attract into your life those things that are at the same energetic level as you. For example, the salary you are currently earning is something that you are a vibrational match to. You might be comfortable with earning a little bit more or a little bit less, but a large increase in your salary might be a stretch. It isn't that you couldn't obtain it. It's that you aren't currently a vibrational match to it.

For everything currently in your life, you are at a vibrational match to having it. If you're vibrational energy level were to go up or down a sufficient degree, the things currently in your Life would leave to make way for things that are a closer match to your vibrational energy to enter.

Anything that is currently not in your life isn't there because you are not a vibrational match to it. If you want it to be in your life, you have to change your vibrational energy to match it. For example, you are not currently a vibrational match to being in a relationship with the person you desire. In order to be in a relationship with him or her, you have to change your vibrational energy.

You can be a vibrational match to your desire

“When you believe in a things believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable.” -Walt Disney

You can manifest love with a specific person. But yu have to deeply believe you can be with him or her. When you deeply believe you can be with the person, you will be a vibrational match to your desire. It's you'll be a vibrational match to your desire, not to the other person, but to your desire.Your desire isn't the other person. Your desire is to be in a love relationship with the specific person you have your eyes on.

Remember - what you desire is what you get. If you focus on the specific person, you will create instances when you’d see the person or hear the person. You would perpetuate wanting to be with the person as opposed to being the person. When there's something that we want, all we can think about is that thing. When it’s a person that we want, we constantly think about the person, being with them, wanting them to love us, etc.But if you really think about what you're wanting, what you’re really looking for, it’s a love relationship with your specific person. That’s why the relationship is where you focus your energy so that you become a vibrational match and pull it to you.

Let me repeat this: you focus on the relationship, not the specific person. You see yourself with the person, you believe you are in a relationship with them, you feel oh so good every time you think about the relationship the two of you have together... You become a vibrational match to the relationship.

This is why you needed to create a grocery list for your ideal relationship. If you want to get what you truly desire, you can't focus on the specific person. You have to go for the relationship. You have to know what it is that you want in order to get what you want.

When you are a vibrational match to your relationship, you will be at one with being in a love relationship with the specific person you want. And when you are at one with the relationship at one with manifesting love with the specific person... then you will actually be in a love relationship with the specific person. You will have achieved your goal.

How to be a vibrational match to your desired relationship?

So how do you become a vibrational match to your desire?

Start by becoming quiet and focusing within. Concentrate on what it would be like to be in a relationship with this person.

•Does any part of your body get tense?

•Is there anything you're worried about?

•Are you afraid of getting what you want?

•Are you concerned about whether you might not be good enough?

•Do you have any doubts about the relationship?

If you feel anything less than good, you are not a vibrational match to your relationship. You are actually blocking yourself from being in a relationship with your specific person. You have to resolve all these nagging thoughts and feelings.

Think thoughts about the specific person so long as it feels good... is fun and easy. But if it ever feels bad, think about something else.

If you think about the person when it feels bad, all you will be a vibrational match to is the lack of love you are experiencing now.

Only focus on the things your specific person does or says that make you feel good.

Don’t repeatedly run through your mind over and over again anything they do or say that makes you feel less than good.

Don’t take score, worrying about whether or not they feel the same way as you.

Don't rehash your last conversation or last meeting and what you could have said or done differently.

When you do those things, you're observing the absence of the love relationship. You're so aware of your current lack of a relationship wth him, that you're keeping yourself separate from being in the relationship you want.

So when you find yourself focusing on the absence of the love relationship, back up. Get more general and focus on feeling good. Backing up to focus in a more general way allows things to flow again. You're no longer holding the relationship you want away from just relax.

Stop trying so hard. Stop trying to get away from where you are now.

Remember that you can't pass your time thinking that you'll be happier once you’re with her or once he says he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. As long as you think you’ll be happier somewhere other than where you are now in this present moment, you won’t be able to get to where you want to be.

When you're happy being “here” and  and enjoy life as it is now, you will find yourself “over there” and in the loving relationship you desire. You have to focus on yourself, feel as good as you can, and make your relationship with yourself a priority. When you do that, everything else will fall into place.

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