The Art of Seduction

Author Amber Cole From Make Her Scream: Last Longer, Come Harder, and Be The Best She's Ever Had 8 years ago 11463

When most people hear the word "seduction," all sorts of images come to mind. They think you have to be very slick with women, have some sort of magic pick up lines, and go through these steps to get women into bed. While there's some truth to that, most people lose sight of a larger truth. The larger truth is that if you want to persuade people to do what you want them to do, you are engaging in seduction. Defined this way, seduction is happening all the time everywhere. Whether you're trying to sell detergent, TV sets, sound systems, or trying to get people to click on your link on your Facebook and all points in between, you're engaged in the art of seduction.

Seduction is really all about sending off the right signals verbally, non-verbally, textually, digitally, or whatever it is to get people to do what you want them to do. That is seduction.

Many guys fail to get women into bed because they let the whole concept of seduction get the best of them. They are intimidated by the whole prospect of seducing women. They think that it takes too much for it or there is some sort of magic formula or arcane process that they need to master so they can get women to do their bidding. There seems to be an almost Karate Kid Mister Miyagi type of mystique to the art of seduction.

Get all those ideas out of your mind. If you know how to sell, guess what? You have 90% of sexual seduction nailed. If you know how to write an essay, you're doing even better. You got 95% of the art of seduction pinned down. The art of seduction really is all about persuasion. What makes sexual seduction different from the other types of persuasion, both written and unwritten, is that it involves a lot of non-verbal signals.

Most people really fail in seduction simply because of inconsistency. If they put themselves in front of the mirror, and they are trying to convince their reflection to do something, they would realize that their facial expressions, their tone of voice, their body language, and their aura are off and do not match the content of their words. It's no surprise that they fail in persuading people. If people noticed a distinct break in what you're doing compared to what you're saying, people won't take you seriously. At the very least, people are confused. What do people do when they're confused? They don't do anything and freeze up. What this means then in terms of sexual seduction is being mindful and managing the overall signals you're sending to the person who is the target of your desires. Keep the following in mind so you can increase your ability to seduce women.

Make her feel beautiful and wanted.

I want you to read that subheading once again. The keyword is “feel”. That's very important. It's not about what you feel, what you think, or what you want. It's all about what she feels. Many guys fail to do this because they focus primarily on what they want. Granted we're all self-absorbed and self-centered people; we're all selfish. You need to fight against that and set that aside if you want to be successful in seducing women. You have to step out of yourself. You have to make another person the center of your world at least for the next few minutes. The key here is to focus on what she feels.

What kind of signals can you send out to make her feel beautiful and wanted?

What kind of facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language can you project and radiate out so she can feel appreciated and valued? That's a puzzle that you need to solve on an individual basis because everybody's physical signals are different. Make sure that the physical signals that you are sending out are very easy to get and more important is convincing. In many cases, what you need to do is stand in front of the mirror and stay stuff .The words that you say have particular meaning but how you say it may lead to another meaning. There has to be a perfect consistency between what you say and how you say it.

Keep practicing. This is how you make her feel beautiful and wanted when signals you're sending out are unmistakable.

Discover her love language. There are five love languages. They are: (1) being told sweet and pleasant things, (2) giving gifts, (3) physical contact and touch, (4) performing acts of service, and (5) quality conversation and time. This is how people detect love, and this is how they show love. If you want to seduce a woman, you need to discover very quickly what her love language is. Does she like to be touched, be told reassuring stuff, like small gifts, so on and so forth? The good news is that she'll probably do this for you. How? By showing her love language to you. If you noticed that the woman you're interested in likes to give small gifts, guess what? That's her love language. You need to give her small gifts as well Learn her fantasies.

You need to get under her skin and really draw her out. Learn what her fantasies are. The good news is that all women have fantasies. Your job is to learn which ones they are. You should then revisit them and tell stories that involve those fantasies. Maybe you need to couch how you communicate with her based on how they appeal to her fantasies.

The reason why you need to learn her fantasies is because they reflect her ideals. They reflect how she views a perfect courtship. By changing the way you communicate to better fit this ideal, the better you look in her eyes. The only potential issue here is that you must proceed slowly because she may fear judgment. You simply need to reassure her that you are extremely non-judgmental, and create a safe space for her vulnerability. Sharing one of your deeper fantasies and often makes her feel less judged, because if you can share with her, she will open up too.

The end goal is to make her want you. The most important of seduction is to make her want you. That's the final result you want after doing so many things above.

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