The Road to Possessions and Wealth

Author John Baskin From Law of Attraction - The Secret to Love, Happiness, & Abundance 7 years ago 7246

The life you have led so far has taken you this far and your attitude toward what you gained from those years may be very negative indeed. You see people who are succeeding all around you and you wonder why you can't be as successful and happy as others. Some seem to get everything that they want, while you struggle. You may blame your situation. You may even see it that you are disadvantaged educationally. However, the Law of Attraction applies to everyone. They just need to know how to use it. If you know what you want out of life, you are much more likely to achieve it. There are many who have vague ideas but it’s because those ideas are vague that they never materialize. It’s a little like wanting something but not badly enough that you can actually see yourself having it. To gain things through the law of attraction, you need to have a very precise plan.

To take an example, you want a Apple Iphone 6 plus, and you feel your resources are too limited to permit it. What you do is put obstacles in your way. That’s not to say that you should be irresponsible and buy one regardless of your commitments, but you do need to go through the process. It’s the same for everything. You want it, then you can envision it and make it a real goal, you will get it.

How envisioning works

As somewhere what they want to own. For some, it may be a new car. For others, it may be a complete CD collection and yet others may just say they want to be rich. The problem is that if the picture is vague, other things will always take precedence. Close your eyes, see the object of your desire. See all the detail and be absolutely firm in your resolute to obtain whatever it is that you wish to own.

Know the price tag. Know what you need to do without to get it, because if you steer a firm course toward owning that thing that you want, you put obstacles out of your way and can find a way to get it.

It's a little like going through life without knowing what you want out of it when you can’t have things that you want. You don’t know what those things are but clearly others are getting more than you. When you actually see and know what it is that you want, you have a goal and with positive thought aiming toward that goal, you tend to change your priorities so that you can have that thing which is dear to you.

How does that work for getting rich?

To become rich really is no different. Everyone has the same opportunity. The problem is that no one actually has a clear picture of what they feel is rich. If you get into a car and don't know where you are going, you are unlikely to get there. It's the same with wealth. The law of attraction only works when you know how rich you want to be. Set the goal posts and you suddenly find that you know where you are driving and change your life to reach those positive goals. That's where the difference lies between people who achieve and those who do not.

Richard Branson, who is a multi-millionaire entrepreneur wrote a book called “Screw It, Let’s do It.” and what the book showed was the Law of Attraction in action. They guy didn't always have loads of money. However, he decided to do what he had set out to do in definite goals. His key questions to himself were:

1.What do I want?

2.Who am I?

3.How am I going to get it?

By answering these questions with definitive answers, he was able to become very rich indeed and any individual has the same opportunity. He didn't start rich. He didn't start with anything but sin idea. In a very similar way, Microsoft’s entrepreneur took the same attitude. Bill Gates knew who he was and what he was capable of. He also knew what he wanted and knew how to get there. When you are able to do this, you can conquer the world because these three entrepreneurial will ensure that you find financial success. Does this mean that you will be happy? Not necessarily, but happiness and relationships with others come into this and this is covered by a future chapter.

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