According to the dictionary, optimism is a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome. It is a belief that gool ultimately predominates over evil in the world and that goodness pervades reality. Optimism is an attitude we can adopt that will produce anticipation and joy.
Optimism is a still can be learned and it is a kind of contagious emotion. Reflect yourself to check how optimistic you are. If most of your friends and family members are optimistic people, then you’ll tend to be optimistic in tough conditions. Moreover, with the guidance of law of attraction, that optimistic emotion is contagious sounds more reasonable because your optimistic attitude will gradually attract optimistic process and results for you.
Living with positive expectation is a lovely thing. Optimism takes a very grady day and paints it with beautiful color. Anticipation and expectation wait with an attitude that something good is about to happen at any moment. What are you expecting today and tomorow, or, for that matter, what are you expecting out of life? The psalmist David said that he did not know what would have become of him had he not believed that he would see the Lord’s goodness while he was still alive (see Psalm 27:13).
The feeling or emotion of anticipation is good, so go ahead and expect God to show Himself strong on your behalf. Anticipation is the opposite of hopelessness, and I personally believe hopelessness is the worst feeling in the world. We have to have a reason to get up each day. Hopeless people become depressed. Everything in their lives seems dark and gloomy. God wants us to live in Techni-color. His desire is to be good to us, but we must be expecting His goodness in faith. Some people might think it humble to expect nothing, but I think it is unbiblical. We don’t deserve anything, but God is good and kind and He wants to give us good things anyway. Isaiah states that God is looking to be gracious, to have mercy and show loving-kindness, and those who wait for Him to do that are blessed indeed.
What are you waiting for? Are you a “get out of bed and see what happens” person? Or do you get up each day with an optimistic view of anticipation, expectation, and joy?