Therapy to Your Jealousy

Author Sofia Price From Jealousy: How To Overcome Jealousy, Insecurity and Trust Issues- Save Your Relationship, Love Life and Emotions (5th Edition) 7 years ago 8573

We need to reflect ourselves by thinking how to get rid of all these jealous feelings when they arise. You need to have a way to distract your mind from negative things so that you are able to dismiss jealousy as being something that is going to be detrimental to your wellbeing and also to your relationship. Let’s say you think that your husband is being unfaithful. Think of all the good things in your marriage. Concentrate on these, and every time jealous thoughts start, use the positive things in your marriage to pull your mind out of the situation. Let's face it, if your relationship has come to a stage where he is being unfaithful, you cannot do anything to change that. However, if he isn’t, you stand a much better chance of pulling your relationship back together by seeing the positive side to what you have instead of always looking for negative things.

● He is great as a dad.

● He is much more patient than I am.

● He gives me so much love.

● We have had all these years together.

When a whole host of people were interviewed about jealousy and how to overcome it, the majority of them said that dismissing it from their minds was the best way to get rid of it. Knowing what a negative trait this is, most people had the common sense to see that jealousy was not only unfounded, but it was a sign that they needed to get themselves out of a rut. Instead of being jealous and spreading the negativity, their ideas to get rid of jealous feelings included:

●Going out for a romantic meal.

●Spending some quality time together at the weekend.

●Listening to their loved ones.

●Trying to have fun together.

These are all positive things and will help improve the situation considerably. Having dismissed the jealousy, plan something that you can do together that is positive. It may help to clear the air between you, and it may just put your relationship back on track.

●Recognize jealousy.

●Replace it with positive thought.

●Celebrate that positive thought.

●Move on in a very positive way.

The only alternative left to people who insist on harboring jealous thoughts will be an end to the relationship or a lot of resentment between a couple that may eventually lead to a breakdown of the relationship. Is it worth it?

When you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you immediately lift yourself out of the depths of depression into a better place and you take your loved ones with you. No one wants to come home to someone who is always miserable, so remember to do your therapeutic exercises every time that you feel jealousy kicking in.

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