Setting the mood is the backbone of being romantic and creating exciting variety in your love life, and it involves at least three different aspects of your lovemaking: mental mood setting, emotional atmosphere and environmental ambiance.
Mental Mood Setting
Mental mood setting includes using your mind and will to fantasize about sex and to choose to tune in to sexual cues as you structure making love into your marriage. As you tune in to sexual cues mentally, you can relax in your masculinity or femininity, fantasize about your mate, and set goals.
Wives, this will be especially important for you. During a busy day, you rnay need to stop and think about sex and allow yourself to feel sexual. I remember one wife who related in counseling that she wore a new teddy and somehow it felt different and reminded her all day of her sexuality. She jumped her husband when he came home, much to his delight. You may have to put “TS” on your calendar as you “Think Sex.”
Emotional Atmosphere
Emotional mood setting means creating an atmosphere in which you can be rested, excited, and warmly intimate. Good sex is predicated on an emotional mood and atmosphere. It involves enjoying adventure, being stress-free, and feeling in love enough to focus on your sexual feelings. Cre-ating this emotional atmosphere will be developed more in the section on becoming passionate lovers. Remember, great lovemaking is more about who you are rather than simply what you do.
Environmental Ambiance
Environmental mood setting encourages romantic ambiance by alteringyaur surroundings. It involves creating an environment that enhances and stimulates sexual arousal and meaningful, exciting interaction.
To enhance enviroximexital mood, consider mood setting in three categories: sensuality, the bedroom, and props. Some of the more playful ideas will not seem as softly romantic as candles and gentle background music. Making love to Sousa marches, squirting each others genitals with water pistils, having a pillow fight, or finger painting each other can also set a playful ambiance and be arousing. Allow the ideas to stimulate your imagination and creativity.