According to the US Geological Survey, a 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit Mexico City on Tuesday at 1.14pm local time, which was at 11:14pm Beijing time. The epicentre was Atencingo in Puebla state, aroun 75 miles southeast of Mexico City. For most people in the region of Asia, we were already asleep or just were going to sleep. And on this morning, you just find news on earthquake in Mexico city are just flying everywhere on the web.
Mexico city locates by the side of Pacific Ocean and faces the Gulf of Mexico on the other side. Land areas connecting the continental plate and oceanic plate tend to have earthquake more easily. Moreover, big city such as Mexico city, where the population densely gathered, may suffer severe damage.
Accidentaly, the 7.1 magnitude earthquake came on the anniversary of a devastating 1985 temblor that caused major damage to Mexico City.
What can you recall from this disaster? Have you recalled the earthquake happend in the natural preservation scenic spots area in Jiuzhaigou Valley on August 8th this year and another big earthquake also happened in the same province where Jiuzhaigou Valley locates, Sichuan Province in 2008? Have you remembered the big earthquake happened in Tangshan in 1976, which caused more than 200,000 people’s death, which may largely reduced if it was not in the night but in the day.
So were you still asleep when earthquake shaked Mexico City last night? If you were, you shall express your appreciation to God that you are so lucky to be in peace and safety to enjoy life. Show your mercy to those who suffered from such big disasters. Live each day of your life as worth as you can.