What Are the Causes of NGS?

Author Jordan Alexo From I Am A Sexy Motherfucker-Learn the fine art of attracting women easily and naturally 7 years ago 10863

I don’t think men of all generations have always suffered from NGS (Nice Guy Syndrome). At least at the same degree as they do nowadays. The causes of this syndrome may be the result of several different factors such as lacking the presence of a strong male role model, listening advices from a female perspective.

A lot of men nowadays grow up without ever having the presence of a strong male role model to follow. In most cases, their moms probably took care of them while their fathers were absent. Or often their fathers too were already bad with women.

Then most of the romantic movies commonly portrait a weak and goofy male actor. Despite being a train wreck, and needy as shit. In the end, he always gets the girl he wants.

The other part is men often hear women advice on what they want from them. I mean of course this makes pefect sense. You would think who better than women to know what a man needs to attract them. But frankly, their advice is often bad.

I am certain most women share their advice with good intentions in mind. However, they have a hard time giving you a straight answer for many different reasons.

When women speak to you what they say is based on how they emotional feel in that moment. And that is very different to how they feel when they see or are with an attractive man.

Also they speak from a female perceptive. I know this may sound a bit confusing for most men so I will go more in detail.

1 - Women are good at being women and therefore making themselves more attractive to men. So attracting other women isn't exactly their main concern. As anything in life to be good at something then you must practice it.

Since women aren't interested in attracting other Women then they never really practice it. For this reason, they know very little about what it takes. There is only one exception. If you are talking to a lesbian girl. Sometimes they may provide great advice. But still I would take everything with a grain of salt. Not all of their advice works well for men.

2- Women are often more risk averse compared to men. Instead, they prefer to play it safe and more subtlety. For this reason, their advice is commonly based on this mentality.

3- When women share their advice they are basing it on the emotions they have in the moment with you. This means they commonly don't want to see you get hurt and rejected by other women.

For this reason, they will often provide you a listing similar to the top ten best ways to become amazing friends with women and never ever get laid in your entire life.

Of course if you are like me and most other men, this isn't exactly what you are looking for.

These cocktail of thoughts and emotions women have makes them share very contrasting ideas. This is why women will often tell you to play safe, be sensitive and caring, and be yourself whatever the fuck that mean. And then they will normally go out and date a guy who is the complete opposite of what they described to you.

Sometimes the douchebags that most nice guys hate. That makes them wonder why their best female friend, whom they been kissing ass for the past decade is dating them.

While at the same time constantly going back to them complaining about, how their douchebag boyfriend prefers to hang out with his buddies rather than spend his Saturday night with her. Well... he has a life that is why!

In the meanwhile, the nice guys waste their time being women's shrink, all nice and teddy bear with them and then guess what?

●Boom! Welcome to the friend-zone where men remain virgin well passed their forties.

●Boom! Women dumping them over the assholes.

●Boom! Women treating them as garbage.

If you want to get good advice then let's start by not listening to most women. But also to your closest friends if they aren't anymore successful than you with women. And be doubtful about everything you watch in most romantic movie. I actually avoid watching them all together.

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