What Max Frische and Gerald Durrell Say about Jealousy?

Author Sofia Price From Jealousy: How To Overcome Jealousy, Insecurity and Trust Issues- Save Your Relationship, Love Life and Emotions (5th Edition) 7 years ago 7459

“Jealousy is the fear of comparison” — Max Frische

This quotation is one that you should always remember. At the back of the mind when jealousy is exercised is the fear of comparison. Is she prettier than me? Is he better looking than me? What can she give you that I cannot? Why could she get away with it when I can’t?

Comparison is not only evil, but it also causes all kinds of rifts. It is great if you have a role model whom you want to emulate, but if you are always measuring yourself against people to try and find emotional answers to your unfathomable questions, you are looking in the wrong place. Comparison won’t do it. Jealous people, compared with people who are not jealous, are better people to trust and to welcome into your life. Thus, drop the jealousy, and be a person who doesn’t compare. Everyone is unique, and comparison serves no purpose.

“It is not love that is blind, but jealousy.” — Gerald Durrell

This is so true that you need to remember it. Jealousy is blind to what’s really going on. It’s blind to someone’s good side. It's blind to potential circumstances, and it prefers to feed those who feel it with total negativity. Blindness caused by a lack of trust isn’t something to be proud of. Stop looking for reasons, for explanations, and for justifications. Close your eyes to doubt, and embrace the good. There is not one single human being on the earth who is flawless. When you take the most innocent of people, you can find something they did wrong if your jealousy allows you to look far enough, but why should you? The point is that people who are unsure of themselves do go to ridiculous lengths to prove that someone has betrayed them, but in the process of feeling jealous, they also betray themselves.

These are some great quotes that you can use for the purpose of helping you to see the futility of jealousy. It comes on a par with hate. Hate is a very strong word, and it is extremely negative. Jealousy easily comes into the same scale of negativity because it lays a foundation for doubt. That’s never something worth holding on to. When you begin to see the negative connotations of envy and stop letting jealousy rule your life, life becomes a much better place to be, and the people around would you accept you for who you are.

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