What the Law of Attraction can be Applied for?

Author Elizabeth Daniels From Manifesting Love- How to use the law of attraction to attract a specific person. Get your ex back and have the relationship of your dreams 7 years ago 11994

Law of attraction for love

“To acquire love...fill yourself up with it until you become a magnet.”- Charles Haanel

Whether you want to create a relationship, manifest a specific person, or get your ex back, the Law of Attraction works.

You don't have to perfectly understand how to use the Law of Attraction to successfully manifest love. You just have to remember that the Law of Attraction can be summed up in three words:thoughts become things.

Thoughts become things

When using the Law of Attraction for love, you have to put your thoughts beyond your current state of being. You have to stop offering thoughts in response to what your love life or relationships are like now. You have to stop focusing on the person you want to manifest, and whether or not he or she is in a loving relationship with you.

If you focus on what you see, your thoughts will be filled with what is and the Law of Attraction will give you more of that...more loneliness...more heartache...more frustration.

Don't look it your relationship as it is now. Stop focusing on the person you want to manifest. Stop thinking about how you wish you were in a loving relationship with him.

Instead, focus on your life as if you were already in the relationship with him. Visualize yourself in the relationship. Mentally picture how you want it to be.

“The predominant thought or the mental attitude is the magnet, and the law is that like attracts like, consequently, the mental attitude will invariably attract such conditions as correspond to its nature” - Charies Haanel

Actions ready!

Live as if it already is reality. Let it be the viewpoint from which you see the world.

Do the things you would do if you already had the relationship you desire.

Make sure your surroundings reflect already having your soulmate: make space in your closet for his clothes, sleep on “your” side of the bed, always put the toilet seat down...

All these actions are powerful thoughts.

And so is how you think about yourself.

That's why you can't just focus on your partner when doing this next process.

You also have to make your job you.

You have to love and respect yourself so that you can attract someone who loves and respects you.

You have to love and respect yourself because it is impossible to feel good if you don't love and respect yourself.

When you feel bad about younelf, you are preventing yourself from receiving the relationihip you want.

If you don't think you’re good enough to have your specific person in your life or you think that you don't deserve to have a loving relationship with him, you are preventing yourself from receiving both the person and the relationship you want.

You must begin to think about how wonderful you can only focus on one thing that's good about you, the Law of Attraction will give you more things that you like about yourself. Start focusing on how great you are!

To help you see more of what's good about you, try telling yourself uplifting things at the start of the day, in a quiet moment or right before going to sleep. Here are some ideas to get you started:

•I make great blueberry pies!

•My naturally curly hair is wonderful.

•I have a great smile.

•I’m great with power tools.

“Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way you are right”- Charles Haanel Henry Ford

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