Why Attraction Isn’t A Choice?

Author Dominic Mann From Unlock Her Legs: How to Effortlessly Attract Women and Become the Man Women Unlock Their Legs For 7 years ago 8394

Attraction isn’t a choice.

In case you missed it, read that sentence again.

Attraction isn’t a choice.

A sparkling red Ferrari won’t make her attracted to you. (Hint: Our genetics haven’t changed much since the first Ferrari rolled off the assembly line, yet your ancestors still managed to get laid.)

A high-paying job won’t make her attracted to you.

Six-pack abs won’t make her attracted to you.

Telling her (or bragging about) all the reasons she should be attracted to you won’t make her attracted to you.


Because attraction isn’t a choice.

If it was, nice guys would be fighting off advances and bad boys would be out of business.

No. Instead, attraction is instinctive. Women may say (and even think) they want a nice guy who treats them like a princess, but the truth is they don’t feel any attraction. Yet when that menacing bad boy swaggers by, she just can’t help but get the tingles.

So where did it all start?

What are the roots of female attraction?

Let’s wind back the clock and find out...

A cavewoman’s attraction

Us men are instinctively attracted to young babes with titillating tis, a big butt, long luscious legs, and all that good stuff because these are physical traits that are indicative of fertility. The cavemen who chased sick old ladies didn’t have much reproductive success, and so their genes failed to be passed on.

As such, today’s men are attracted to physical traits indicative of youth, health and fertility.

But because us men don’t grow a woman’s babies inside our bodies, a man’s physical traits are not as important as a factor when it comes to a woman’s instinctive attraction.

So what is it, then, that women have evolved to be instinctively attracted to?

To cut a long story about, a man’s behavior is the most important factor when it comes to female attraction.

A somewhat ugly guy who has the strength to protect her when she’s pregnant and the infant when it’s vulnerable from sabertooth tigers and starvation increases her odds of successful reproduction far more than a weak, wussy “pretty boy.”

Why women love jerks

It is for these evolutionary reasons that women can’t help but feel primal attraction for the typical bad boy or “jerk”.

Jerks exude confidence and — back to subcommunication — all of their actions sub-communicate they are the prize.

When he treats her like shit, the sub-communication is that he has options. If she leaves, there’s 10 other girls who’re after him. And that only intensifies her attraction for him.

When he doesn’t give her what she wants, the sub-communication is that he’s mentally strong enough to ignore her shit and not supplicate to her silly demands. He feels no need to try impress her by bowing to her every whim. He’s probably also capable of slaying those juicy big buffalo, dealing with potentially dangerous tribe members, and protecting her from those sabertooth tigers. And all that only intensifies her attraction for him.

When he flat out ignores her for days on end, not answering calls or texts and virtually disappearing off the face of the earth, the sub-communication is that she might not be good enough for him or he might be getting bored of her. And that only intensifies her attraction for him and makes her try harder to please him.

And so on.

There’s a reason women’s erotica is written about bad boy bikies, tattooed assassins and domineering billionaires, not “nice guys”.

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