Why Being A Workaholic Is Not Proud

Author juliana From www.myedate.com 7 years ago 9425

According to relevant data from wikipedia, there are 58 enterperises and institutions have set “healthy body and healthy soul” as company slogan. This slogan has been very popular as it sounds quite reasonable. I can’t agree more. But one critical point we ignore is that we need to balance our work and personal life to achieve and optimize a healthy body and healthy mind. Being a workaholic is not an attitude to be proud.

Nowadays it’s becoming more and more difficult to achieve balance in work and life. Some entreprenur has complained that he found it more and more difficult to provide excellent service to his customers within 8 to 12 working hours. He really liked what he was doing and he had excellent customers and the service he provided for his customers had been well praised. But he was more willing to find a way to make sure that he could do his job well and meanwhile he has time to pursue his dream and hobby.

In a new era of internet age, we’ll no longer limit our work into our office, nor within our normal working our. We’re taking work with us anytime anywhere. A decade ago, it’s impossible for us to be connected with work 24 hours a day. Not it has been achieved. At the same time, this has brought us with more negative issues. Many managers have felt proud of themselves for their own indispensibility and business all the day. Being a workaholic is actually not proud.

Every time when I feel that someone is proud of being a workaholic, I worry about them. Those workaholics just consider being in work endlessly is a kind of merit, I only see defects in their management and insufficient impowering. Every company is required to give holiday to their employees. While some company just violate this rule by taking some faking policies. Managers in company shall assign their work to suitable people and adapt best practices to make their company work normally when someone is temporarily absent.

An issue about productive force has been raised recently. An employee should work smartly instead of work hard endlessly. It’s not appropriate to evaluate a staff by his working time. Instead, his achivements and fruits in his position shall be valued. In recuiting new staff, an applicant’s ability to balance their achievement and life shall be assessed.

This conduct may be quite contradictory to some traditional entrepreneurs who value how much sacrifice his staff have dedicated to their companies. And it’s also quite contrary to conducts of some companies well known for their high working pressure. What’s worse, some companies superficially advocates that their employees to keep more balance in their work and life, actually they require higher dedication from their employees.

We are often more clear about something if we still have curiosity in it. Creativity cann’t be produced all time in a day. Instead, it can be applied more often when employees enjoy more freedom. After we have achieve balance in both work and life, we will behave better both in work and at home.

When companies encourage their employees to keep suitable balance between family and work life, the employees loyaty to their own company will be improved and thus this will help the company and employer to win more fame. More excellent talents will be absorbed in easily. This is not an altruism but a win-win result for both the employees and the employer.

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