It is important to me that you understand I am saying not to deny your emotions exist, but deny them the right to control you. We all have loads of feelings about hundreds if not thousands of different things. As I said, it seems that emotions have a mind of their own. If your health is not good, your emotions may possibly scream louder than normal, and that is to be expected. Pain is not easy to deal with. Being told by medical professionals that you have a disease is not a fun thing. I know because I’ve had my share of times like that, but I have discovered it is much easier on me if I don’t let my emotions go wild. The more you stay in control of your emotions, the better your decisions will be.
Out-of-control emotions wear me out, and I am sure they affect you the same way. Anger makes me tired; guilt makes me tired; frustration and wild thoughts even make me tired. I even get exhausted if I talk all day about problems and negative things. The very fact that these things drain us should be proof that they steal from us rather than add to our overall wellness. The next time you hear bad news of any kind and feel yourself starting to get upset or discouraged, remember this passage and the principles I am sharing, then make a decision to remain calm and ask God to give your direction.
Decision and confession: When I am tired or sick, I will manage my emotions and not allow them to control me.