When the cabin pressure changes on an airplane, oxygen masks drop from the ceiling. What’s the first thing that you are told to do? Put your own mask first. It’s pretty simple... you need to be able to breathe in order to help others.
By not taking care of yourself first, you render yourself useless to those around you. The same principle can be applied to your relationship.
If you don't feel that you are largely fulfilled and satisfied with yourself and your own life, it’s damn near impossible to make somebody else happy.
You represent half of the people in your relationship. If you want to make your relationship a place where love and communication flows effortlessly, you have to first start by making yourself happier.
Are you currently happy with your life?
Are you living every area of your life according to your highest ideals?
Are you exercising and eating to the point where you have excess energy to burn?
Have you structured several areas of your life around fulfilling your dreams and goals?
Do you surround yourself with friends and social connections that bring out the best in you?
If you were unable to say yes to any of these questions, you need to ask yourself, "Why not?”
Why haven’t you given yourself the permission to be happy or feel fulfilled more often than not? It is exclusively under your control to get your own physical and emotional needs met. If you get these needs met outside of your relationship; then you will be bringing a much happier and more fulfilled person into your relationship. Your oxygen mask will be firmly fitted around your mouth, and you will be that much more capable of taking your relationship to the thriving level.
Women often describe that the most attractive men are those who “know themselves.” Michael Douglas and Vince Vaughn are examples of men that are by no means traditionally attractive, but have such a self-assured swagger to them that the vast majority of women find them inexplicably attractive. In essence, women are attracted to a man with directionality and confidence.
Directionality is having a committed path or purpose in life. A man with directionality has vision for his future. He has goals and passion; he takes decisive action towards where he aims to head in his life.
Women are attracted to a man who knows himself and goes after what he wants. It's understandable- a man who doesn’t know himself or doesn’t know what he wants couldn't possibly have gone after her unless he wanted her. This gives her certainty in his love for her.
Make intentional efforts towards becoming your absolute best self. Always be on a path of improvement. Only then can you really be a part of a dynamic, thriving relationship.