Mark Zuckberberg met Priscilla Chan at a party hosted by Mark's fraternity in 2003. By then he was nothing but a college student.And they still fell in love when he has become a multi-billionaire. Here comes a question: how age, money and looks matter in a relationship? Age,money and looks really do matter, in some cases a lot, in other cases, not a lot but they still matter. Anyone who think that those three factors don't matter is lying.
When it comes to age, studies show that men's physical attractiveness peaks at around 31 (a luxury considering women peak around 21) and that our physical attractiveness recedes far slower than it does for women. In fact, studies have found that the average 45-year-old male is still considered physically attractive.
The main reason is that studies have also found that women judge a man's status far less on actual physical dimensions and far more on style, grooming, and how men present themselves.Taking a man from a baggy beer T-shirt and ill-fitted jeans to a nice suit with a professional haircut will immediately bump him up 50% in the looks department overnight, whereas with women, it’s a constant and never-ending battle to maximize their physical appearance as much as possible. No matter how ugly you think you are (and chances are, you aren't), there's hope for you. And we'll take care of it soon enough.
Money is nice in that it demonstrates success and implies other positive attractive traits. But again, its utility is vastly overblown. When it comes to money, once again the surveys and studies have some interesting findings.The first is that money/success matters more depending on your age. The older you are, the more money you're ex pected to have and the more successful you’re expected to be in order to be attractive. The other finding is that the less wealthy she is, the more important money will be to her.This it why the stereotypical gold-digger is usually a very beautiful young woman who grew up in poverty, Women who grow up with money or have money usually don't care about it as much. But the fact remains that women perceive with money the same way we percive women with good looks: as social status. How each woman defines social status and whether money is a part of that or not is going to vary from woman to woman. When it comes to age, money and looks. Again, it’s about the demographics. There is a saying:“Only lazy women are interested in men with money, because they don’t have anything else going for them.”
Women who tend to only value good looks tend to be women who only have good looks and little else to offer. Women who are highly interested in money are going to be women who don’t have other interests or opportunities in front of them.
Women who only care about things such as looks and money are usually going to be women who you’re not going to be interested in or who are not going to make you happy. So you’re not missing out on much.
Everybody values looks and success to a certain extent. So it’s not something we can write off completely. You should be as good-looking as you can possibly be. And you should be financially successful as you can possibly be. And even the most interesting and well-rounded and psychologically healthy women are still going to prefer a goodlooking and successful man to one who isn’t. All things equal, looks and money always increase your odds.
You should be as good-looking as possible for you. You should be as financially successful as possible for you. These are just other avenues in which to invest in yourself.
So yes, looks and money matter. But the question is, how do they affect our results with the majority of women? The more money/looks/success you have, the less attractive behavior you need. The less money/looks/success you have, the more attractive behavior you need.
Another way to think of this is that age, money, and looks are universal demographics, and therefore, an incompatibility in any one of them is apt to cause extra friction everywhere. But just because there’s friction, or just because there are fewer Receptive women, it’s no excuse for not having success in the long run.
The vast majority of men who get hung up on looks and money get hung up on them because they're using it as an excuse. It's absolutely not a valid excuse. A guy who is good-looking or rich still has to work for his results; he just doesn’t have to work as hard as the next guy. Being good-looking and being rich is worth nothing if you don't do something with it. Mark Zuckberberg would not be the "Zuckbergey" known for his creating facebook if he had done nothing in his college life.
You can be the richest guy in the world, but if you behave like a timid, negative and weak chump, then women will still be repelled. Anyone can be handsome and appear high-status if they put enough effort into it without any excuses.