Crucial Tips on Building Trust in Marriage

Author Christian Olson From Marriage Tips 7 years ago 10496

In a one-flesh relationship between a woman and a man, marriage is known as the biggest commitments in life. Trust is one of the most important factors in managing a long lasting marriage and improve its quality. Hereby in this passage, some tips on how to build trust marriage are given and you may refer to so you enjoy everyday in a commited raltionship.

Tip 1: Make Talking a Routine

If not during the day, take at least 20-30 minutes before you go to sleep to tell your partner what you've been thinking about that day or how it was. You don't want to go to bed ignorant of what the other went through that day.

You might have had experiences with ex-girlfriends, ex-boyfriends, or even ex-fiancees or ex-marriage partners. Don't bring them up, unless they specifically ask about them. And even then, just give them the information they want to hear and nothing more. You see, despite the fact that you know you learned from those relationships, you love your partner more than anyone, and you are com-pletely over them, it is still a touchy subject. No partner wants to be compared. More about that in the next tip.

Tip 2: Communicate Often

Not just at the end of the day. Talk about everything all day while you are doing things. Personally, I am not crazy about just sitting down and talking, maybe because I am a man and I like to be busy while I am having a conversation. But that works too, doesn't it? Just work on something you can routinely do (like dishes, advertising on social media, cleaning up, a video game, drawing, or yard work), and then have the best conversations with your spouse.

Tip 3: Don't Be Suspicious

Trust is one of the most important elements of a relationship. But it's not just important to trust the other person, but also to feel trusted by the other person. If a spouse doesn't feel like the other trusts him/her, it can create a lot of stress and tension. If your partner feels you are suspicious, he/she can feel offended. Suspicion comes from fear. If your partner hasn't done anything in the past that should make you suspicious, or not for a long time, then let go your fears and focus on more important things in life.

Tip 4:Be Honest

Just like showing trust is essential in a marriage, it is also of vital significance to be completely honest with each other. Make sure you hide nothing. That doesn't mean you have to tell them everything (they might not want to hear about your toilet experiences or the boring conversation you had with one of your colleagues), but it DOES mean that you don’t deliberately cover any thing up.

Tip 5:Give Compliments Often

Since I got married, I sometimes ran out of compliments. But that's okay. I actually give the same compliments as I used to, just for repetition’s sake. Why? Because people are forgetful and they want that positive attention that boosts their self-confidence and self-image. I don't know how many times I told my wife she is great, sweet, a wonderful cook, talented, or just a hard worker. Trust me, she never get annoyed because I "say it too often” Everyone loves to be praised. What better way to show your value than to work as hard as you can to create a happy family, a comfortable home, a nice looking yard, cheerful children, or to make a living and provide, so that you both can realize your dreams? Show your commitment by putting your best efforts into it and not be lazy.

Tip 6: Don’t Be the Little Helper

I saw a video on YouTube about a 'little helper" referring to the one in the passenger seat in the car next to the driver. You don't have to tell your spouse that the traffic light is red (or green), that he/she is speeding, that they have to be careful, etc. Out of all the times my spouse and I criticized each others driving, only once or twice was it helpful to avoid an actual dangerous situation. Nothing more. So please, just trust your spouse and let him/her drive.

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