Red flags On Marriage(2)

Author Joan Sipll From The Way We Do...I Do...Marriage Advice from 2600+ Years of Marriage 7 years ago 12552

More red flags: controlling, temperamental, not clean, doesn't share or not close to your religious conviction, political fanatic or different beliefs than yours.

The major decisions in life...religious preferences, children (how many do you want.... do you want any), financial goals, where do you want to live... If these answers are very different, it is a major red flag.

Someone who is flat out rude to his or her family members (or yours for that matter!)future.

Someone who isn’t willing to laugh at himself or herself.

Really discuss your desire for children. Not just, oh babies are cute let's have some...but the important issue will one parent stay home vs. daycare? When should start a family? What would happen if we face infer its issues? Will your partner be willing to clean to up off the bathroom walls at 2 am when little Job misses the toilet? (This one just happened at our last night and my husband is my hero for clean what looked like a murder scene in our bathroom). What disscipline style suits each of you? Parenting brings a whole new dimension to a marriage and aren’t going to agree on most things, then it w you apart every day.

Red flags:

-thinking that with you they will change

-not wanting you to spend time with your family or


-any type of lying or deceit

-any strong arming or physical or verbal abuse

-if something bothers you now that will only get worse.


Think of things you want in a spouse before you begin dating. I have always told my daughter since she was little girl: Don't you dare date someone that is allergic to dogs or cats! You love animals too much. So, in the blank. Is church important to you? What kii City or Country? Think of these things before you date someone. And don't date someone if they aren't these things. And never date someone that doesn't bring the very best in you and make you feel loved. You should always feel loved. And you should be with someone that is easy to love. If you argue and fight and have problems when you are dating, Do not marry this person. Dating should be the most fun stage in your relationship. If dating a person is not fun, being married to them will be less than fun. If you are dating someone that does not like your family and friends, do not go forward with this relationship. You will value your family and friends in years to come, do not lose them when you are young. If you are dating someone that lies, cheats, steals, or has addiction and/or abuse issues,run the other way. You can not save someone from themselves.

Red flags:

It's all about him/her...!

Look carefully at his/her family... they'll be yours too! Jealousy!

Can you agree on the budget?

Red Flags:

Having any doubts about your mate or your mutual commitment prior to the marriage

Jealousy or possessiveness

• Trying to control your mate ox they controlling you.

.Someone that demands their way only and will not compromise.

Another note about the Red Flags

A thought from Nans (Aunt Joan)

After typing and reading all these red flags, I need make this comment. If you are engaged and get married next next month, today or tomorrow, reread these comments thoroughly. You are not married until you say you do not personally know many people who have called off their weddings close to the wedding date and they are very happy now. I also know people, including Princess Diane, who knew the night before the wedding that they shouldn't be getting married—but they did all are divorced.

Don't worry about the money lost, or the people you will disappoint Will it be hard to call it off—YES YES YES!But it's better to call it off, than be miserable. Trust me, money lest isn't anything compared to happiness. (Wedding money lost is a lot less than the cost of a divorce) You have to live your life, make your own happiness, and be best person you can be.

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