What Is Marriage ?(2)

Author Joan Sipll From The Way We Do...I Do...Marriage Advice from 2600+ Years of Marriage 7 years ago 15845

Marriage is:

-sharing everyday with your best friend

-sharing everyday with a person you respect

-sharing everyday with a person who shares your beliefs

-sharing everyday with a person who only wants you to be the best person you can be.

-sharing everyday with the person who knows you have hit the wall and steps in without asking.


Marriage is loving, respecting, trusting, being best friends and partners until you die and beyond.It’s having fun, sharing, sadness, conflict and all things—good & bad, together forever.


Marriage is all about respect and treating your partner, as you'd like to be treated.


Marriage is a huge commitment and has to be worked on every single day. It is not something to be thrown away. Some days will be better than others. Some days will be easier that others. Some days you will wonder what in the world you were thinking.


True love is being mad/upset/irritated/annoyed with your spouse, but still doing everything you can to make sure they are okay. When they do the same for you it makes everything worthwhile.


Marriage is like the 12-step program. You should learn the Serenity Prayer God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference.


Marriage is a partnership. You don’t give up on your identity but you also become something better.


Marriage is compromise, mutual respect and acceptance.

It is talking about goals like children, job, money and if you should both work.


Marriage is: loving; supporting, and living with your best friend.


Marriage is: hard- something you have to work at every day. Sometimes it would be easier to walk away than to stay together. Those that choose to stay married realize that it takes work and a commitment to hang in there when things get tough. The longer you are married, the easier it gets. I am talking 30+ years (at least for us).

You finally realize that you are a better person as a team than as an individual.


Marriage is:

Fun some of the time...a work in progress., a space to evolve both individually and together...where mutual respect and a sense of humor are fundamental keys to a successful marriage/partnership/parenting experience (essential for effective role modeling)!

Best if you like and Love each other, have both common and separate interests.


Marriage is: a partnership based on love, friendship, openness, loyalty, freedom to be yourself; and respect in all things.

It is an adventure.


Marriage is an effort of 100% on both sides, not a 50/50 kind of job.



Entering into a union with your best friend, someone you trust and love with all of your being.

When I was a teenager, I asked my mother.... "How will I know when it is really love?" Her answer was really quite simple, "Oh, you'll just know! It's a different feeling, more than just liking someone." I'm not sure I understood that answer until years later.


My love grew from a friendship when I was 16. We dated as teenagers fun times, movies, dinners, and mutual friends. There was even an on-again, off-again relationship. Through the years, our relationship developed into a mutual respect for each other. I then knew what my mom was talking about. I had fallen in love with someone that was not only my friend, but also one that I admired and respected. I also knew, with-out a doubt, that i had found mature love.

We made a commitment to each other..till death parts us... through thick and thin sickness and health...


Marriage is something two people need to work on everyday. Love, respect, friendship and communication are the key contributors.


Marriage is walking through life hand in hand with your best friend.There will be good days and there will be bad days....but if your best friend is standing next to you....then no matter what happens...you will be okay. Everything is better when you have your best friend to stand by you while you go this this journey of life.


Marriage is looking at your spouse and laughing cause you both know what each other is thinking.


Marriage is fun and amazing. You married this person- ..this is the person that makes you whole....the one you live with, laugh and cry with, this is the person that you love the most!


Marriage is compromise....it is full of surprises, but really....it is one of the most important decisions you can make...your marriage will define the life of not only you....but your children.


Marriage is a conscious effort by two parties to lovingly combine their hearts, ideas and resources to make the best life they can for each other and their children. It is hard work but worth it with the right person. It is commitment to each other through all this roller coaster called “life” has to offer.


Marriage is also loving a person so much that you can forgive them for periodically being the most annoying person in the whole world!


Marriage is: two imperfect people with two different backgrounds, two different beliefs and two different families, joining as one, while finding their way through this crazy thing we call think hawing parents who have had lengthy marriages helps. We have both seen our parents enjoy good times and weather many storms throughout our lives.


Marriage is a commitment. For better, for worse, good times, bad times, health or sickness. Commit to each other.

Remember your vows. Remember things that attracted you to your spouse before marriage. Enjoy the good times and help each other during the bad times. And most importantly have fun together and laugh together. A sense of humor goes a long way!

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