Wonderful Activities for Couples to Improve Marriage Intimacy

Author Christian Olson From Marriage Tips 7 years ago 16994

Romance can only contimue within a long term marriage through couple’s sincere devoting to spending high quality time by doing various wonderful things together. Here are some tips on what wonderful activities couples can pay attention to or share together to improve marriage quality, enjoy life and improve mutual intimacy.

Tip 1: Show Affection Often

Yes, this can be sexual affection, but it should be more than that. A hug, a kiss, a touch, holding hands... these are often the subtle signs of a good relationship. Sometimes your partner doesn't want to go beyond that anyway, or not yet...

Tip 2: Be Creative and Romantic

Even the ones who don’t claim they are romantic, will still, in some way, enjoy some creativity you bring to the table. Try to surprise your spouse with something that is personalized and special. Most times, it doesn’t have to be expensive but it is the thought that counts. I remember my partner made me a delicious dinner and set the table in a restaurant-fashionable design before we ate and watched a fun movie together. Doing it with a smile will add a lot.

Tip 3: Make Yourselves Attractive

I see it so often: People who do everything to catch a good one, to find the right partner. They put on their best clothes, smells, and behavior, and they flirt until they have caught their partner. They do whatever they can to impress that person so they can make the relationship last. But then, all of sudden, that person is stuck anyway... they are married and there is no challenge. You don’t have to impress that person anymore (or so you might think), because he or she isn’t going to leave anyway. Don’t make this mistake! Yourpartner still wants you to look attractive, to shave, to dress up, to do your hair, to smell good, etc. Doing this for him/ her is a selfless act that will be rewarded.

Tip 4: Celebrate Valentine's Day

You may think it’s too commercial, but your partner wants to be appreciated no matter what! So why not take this opportunity and make it something special? There are numerous ideas you can apply to this day.

Tip 5: Dance

If your partner liked to dance before he/she was married to you, he/she will probably still enjoy it a lot. Sometimes couples go to dances, night dubs; and date nights and dance under the stars, in the disco lights, and in romantic spots, only to forsake the habit completely when they get married. Don’t let the romance die and occasionally dance with your partner.

Tip 6: Take Pictures

Put those memories away somewhere, whether that’s on the computer, a hard drive, the internet, or in an old-fashioned photo album. You will have a great time looking at them when you are older. I still think it’s fun to look at the pictures of when we were dating.

Tip 7: Build Your Dream Home

Whether you buy a home that already looks like your dream home, fixing or arranging the interior and yard can add a lot to how much at home you will actually feel. With the time, means, and money you have, you can create a little paradise or heaven for the two of you.

Tip 8: Fight Naked

Somebody told us this marriage advice: When you are arguing, take off your clothes and the argument won't last as long. It makes a lot of sense. It makes you both feel vulnerable, attracted to each other, and you can't go an/where outside of the house. Don't abuse it. Something to try out, right?

Tip 9: Keep a Journal

Keep a journal or blog or something else to record the joys of your marriage. This way, you can always reflect back on your feelings, the events that occurred, and what you were thinking. I think it's pretty interesting to read how I felt about my wife while we were dating, engaged, etc.

Tip 10: Enjoy Nature

Many people have expressed that they enlightened, peaceful, or relieved from the stresses of everyday living when they took a hike, went kayaking, swimming, or spent some time in the yard.

Tip 11: Hang Up Pictures of Your Relationship

Testify to the world and all the visitors of your house (including your kids) that you are happy vvith each other and that your relationship is one of the most important.A lot of men feel like warriors; they protect what or whom they love and fight against that which they consider to be threatening or evil. I know women who condemn a man's aggression; but the aggression itself is not the problem, if controlled. Outbursts and wrong actions are the problem. If your husband feels angry, either be understanding or leave him alone to cool off; don't disapprove of his feelings.

Tip 12: Go On Vacations Together

This can create a lot of happy memories. Make sure you take pictures. I traveled with my wife to different parts of Europe, Latin America, and the USA. I can hardly wait for our next adventure.

Tip 13: Have Personal Parties

You don’t need a holiday or special occasion to make it a party. We often just rented a DVD, went out bowling, or created a special dinner for the two of us. If you want more people to be present, just invite some over. Give it a name, like “We survived the year party”, or something else that's silly. It doesn’t matter what you call it, as long as the people you invite are able to make it and if you have something fun to offer.

Tip 14: Make a List of Reasons

Make a list of all the reasons why you love him/her. You can add looks or attractiveness, but go beyond that. You can even set a goal to list at least 100 or 200 reasons. Thenpresent it to your spouse.

Tip 15: Talk about Paradise

What would your ideal place be? Would you live in a palace? On a tropical island? Would you have a perfect body? Talk about what your ideal circumstances would be. It stimulates the imagination, romance, and innate connectedness.

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