Are You a Good Talker to Make Her Achieve Her Big O?

Author Bradley Martin From Sex: Every Man’s Guide to Make Her Orgasm and Equally Satisfied 7 years ago 9884

Do you know that you could induce orgasm in your woman by simply talking? The real power of words lies in making people do things without having to physically do anything. A modern approach to sex and related activities tells us that it is possible to make your woman cum by simply uttering a few effective words and some gentle and feathery touching. Great poets in the history of the humankind were good womanizers because they were blessed with the gift of the tongue. They knew the exact words and the proper tone to say them in that had the potential to induce orgasms in their female partners. The basics of womanizing contain the element of talking.Researchers have proved that it is indeed possible to bring out the female juices flowing if the man knows the right words and the right way to say them. Here are a few simple techniques to follow if you're looking forward to seduce your woman using words.

Make a list

First, make a list of all such words that you have noticed to bring an impact in your woman's mood. There are always certain words that women like. Such words could be rough, dirty, arousing or simply ordinary. You do not necessarily have to resort to the dirty talk. Even simple sounding words when given a context have the power to induce organsmic activity in women. Compile a list of all such words for your woman.

Minimize your words to be used

Be minimalistic in your appronch. Never ignore the power of being minimal. The fewer the words, the better their impact, When you end up using too many words that broadens the horizon of your woman’s imagination allowing her to mentally envision a range of possibilities. This has an effect of dilution on her imaginations thereby rendering your words redundant, as they don't signify anything particular or singular. However, on the contrary, when you are limited in your word usage, you make sure that the radar of imagination captures exactly what you want her to capture. In my personal experience, simple words with some history and context work more magic than fluffy and big words that sound and look like they have been picked right from the dictionary. It is in the very nature of ordinary words that they induce really strong emotions in couples when provided a context. There might be words that only you and your partner are privy to. These words may not even exist in the English dictionary. You may have shared a joke and such words may have lingered on long after this joke has breathed its last. Take help of such words instead of the complicated ones.

Personalize your word usage

If you and your female partner have been a couple for a while, chances are high that you two share a history of conversations that includes the usage of certain words that induce a certain memory or feeling whenever either of you utters them. This is healthy for your relationship. On top of that, these words can be taken help of while trying to induce orgasm in your woman. Coming right down to business, dirty talk has a magical effect on women. They simply love it when their men hold them from their waists, pull them close for an embrace and whisper dirty and raunchy things in their ears. You can always tell your woman all the things you are going to do to her tonight. Doing so in a public place has an additional character of turning on the women even more. When you express yourself to your woman, you make sure that you make your intentions clear.

A man who uses clear and direct words to tell her woman about the things he is going to do to her in bed scores really good. Women love it when their men invest so much in their sexual performances. When they actively express themselves, it indicates that the men have planned a series of things to do to them tonight. Though you may have just said so for the sake of it, it surely incites them to an extent of getting wet and hence ready for the ultimate orgasm of their lives.

Local language words can be sexy

This is for everyone who is a non-English speaker or knows more than just English. Local language is sexy as hell. Womenfolk who have been living in the same geographical location for a major part of their lives are more likely to be turned on by their local language’s words than by English. A recent study found that women are more impressed by a man from around their own area than by one from outside. It may sound very primal while reading it but go out in your town and you will find this conclusion true. While we are on the subject of dirty talk, it is noteworthy that women love screaming out the name of their man when he is inside of them. This may not make much sense but do not lose me here. When a woman is made to scream her man’s name while at the peak of her libido, it has an amazing effect on her. A woman by screaming out the name of her man totally submits herself to him. She consciously gives the reins of her womanhood to her man, thereby allowing him to do things to her she would not allow anyone else to do. The ritual of screaming out one’s man's name has a deep root in the annals of female psychology.

Words can be used as supplementary tool

All said and done, words alone aren't going to help you affect orgasms in your lady. They can be used as a supplementary tool to help you induce orgasms in your woman. However, when used solitarily they have little or negligible effect on the women. You must make sure that you do not resort to simply words while trying to make your woman achieve her big O. Words must always be followed by actions. This is the basic rule of a standardly successful life. It holds true for sex as well. When all you do is mutter some arousing words into her ears and follow it up by an average performance, you are going to destroy the utility of such words. The next time you utter them will likely yield lesser encouraging results. Therefore, it is advised that you must use words in a supplementary fashion.

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